"i dont think your ugly" | ellie x reader

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modern AU
both 14yrs old, middle school
warnings: bullying, name calling (dyk3, f@gg0t, autistic), two small kisses
DISCLAIMER: i am autistic, im not promoting ableism in anyway shape or form ‼️

this is told in a 14 year olds perspective so beware for some silly made up words

SONG - You get me so high - The neighborhood

Ellie and I have been best friends for a long time. since 3rd grade. we were always known as the weird "autistic" kids, thats only because we had special interests, Ellie liked space, dinosaurs, marvel. I liked sharks, marine biology and comics, thats what made us be friends, we just clicked.

but apparently we were "special" for not taking interest in what they did. in which is makeup, boys, gossiping, cheerleading, things me and Ellie weren't interested at all.

me and Ellie were walking down the semi crowded school hallway, laughing and talking about stupid things like the comics we were reading at the moment. i was reading spiderman and she was reading savage starlight, for the 5th millonth time, conversation slowly changing into random bands, like nirvana, pearl jam, aha. whatever came to mind we talked about.

im looking in my locker and talking to Ellie at the same time, as im putting my 2 comics into my locker i feel someone tug at my hair. "what the fuck!" i yell, not loud enough to make the hallway go silent that would be sooo embarrassing, but enough for Ellie and 5 other heads snap towards the situation of bethany pulling my hair.

she and her dumbass friends walk away giggling

"i wouldnt be suprised if i found out her and ellie make out, their such faggots, i mean do you see how they obsess over eachother?" i hear her say and her friends start laughing.

i turn back facing to my locker, forcing myself not to start crying. Ellies the only person who genuinely understands me, shes the only person whos been there for me. i actually love her.

used to stick together

ellies pov:

Im sitting in class, the only period me and y/n dont have together. my leg bouces up and down as the clock ticks, im trying to solve this math problem, math is definitely not my passion

i hear bethany and her friend jessica whispering and giggling quietly. i know exactly who their laughing at.


"shes so fucking ugly.." jessica whispers giggling. i hear those words and suddenly my vision is blurry, blinking and its back to normal, the tear dropping onto my notebook.

stuff like this never bothers me, but today it did, and i dont know why. the bell rings and i quickly pack up my stuff and speed walk out the classroom. frantically searching for y/n. i spot her at her locker.

y/ns pov:

as im putting my notebook back into my locker, along with my other belongings. i turn to my side because i saw movement out of the corner of my eye, knowing it was ellie, "hey" i say softly, she doesn't respond. i dont blame her, she might of not heard me considering its loud in the hallways during passing periods.

i close my locker and turn to her.

"y/n.." she says, her voice sounding like she was recently crying. "ellie whats wrong?" i ask concerned.

"can you come over today? ill tell you then." she asks.
"yeah.." i reply.

after school its around 3:38 pm, im knocking on ellies door, her mom, anna, opening it. "oh hi y/n" she says, "hi, uh is ellie back home yet?" i ask. "yeah" she replies. "she wanted to talk to me about something today but she said to come over and she'll tell me here. can i?" i ask fiddling with my fingers.

"Yeah, shes in her room" she says making a space allowing me to walk in. "thanks" i say wasting no time to speed walk into ellies room

i open the door and im met with ellie, resting her back against her wall, sitting on her bed. legs bent and arms resting over her knees.

i quickly shut the door, letting my backpack fall of the ground. "ok what happened." i say and she scoots over, patting a spot for me to sit next to her at.

i sit down next to her, waiting for her to speak.

"earlier, in math class, i heard bethany and jessica whispering some shit. and she called me 'really fucking ugly'..." she explains.

"ellie.." i say. changing my position into a criss cross one in front of her, causing her to do the same.

"y/n? am i ugly to you?" she asks bluntly.

"No ellie, your not. your genuinely the most beautiful person ive ever seen. and ive seen alo-" i say to her and i get cut of by her grabbing either side of my face, smashing her lips against mine. i quickly kiss back, placing my hand on her forearm.

we pull away "i love you" i mumble, not in a romantic way at all. just as friends

you're my best friend ill love you forever

"love you too." she mumbles back, looking away in a flustered blushing manner. i smile.

"you have no fucking idea how long ive wanted to do that." she says softly, turning her vision back to me. making me blush and kiss her once more. forgetting everything in the world.

execpt the fact im fucking bethany up tomorrow.

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