kelsey x afab reader

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another period imagine

summary: reader gets blood on kelseys sheets. but pretend this has never happened before

u both are 19

me and kelsey are having another sleepover at her  house again, i only have underwear and one of kelseys shirts on.

im straddling her lap, were giving eachother kisses, not in a sexual way. just innocent kisses.

"mwah" i say as i kiss her lips and she places her hands on my hips. i get tired so i roll off of her. kelsey has these white knee length shorts on, i look at them after i roll over. my eyes trailing down to the small red spot in the middle of her shorts. "uh baby?" i ask. "mhm?" "your shorts.." i say. "oh fuck" she says looking down.

"i didnt mea- i didn- im sorry kelsey please dont be mad " i say out nervously

"pfft its just blood all i have to do is change" she say already pulling out new shorts and changing.

"but-" i start to say "baby its okay im not mad why would i be mad its normal" she says chuckling a bit
"but i-" i start to say again, "its okay just go to cleaned up alright baby?" she say smiling.

im in the bathroom getting cleaned up, finishing i exit the bathroom and open the door in which im meeted with kelseys bedroom since their both connected.

kelsey had just entered the room too so im assuming she was putting the shorts in the washer.

she lays down on the bed and and i just sit down. "come onnnn" she says pulling me down with her. she places kisses on my face and she pulls away after covering my face.

i turn over to where im facing her and place my hands on ethier side of her face, her arms going around my waist. i place a kiss on her lips, maybe it was three kisses but who cares

after i pull away i wrap my arms around her neck, she pulls the blanket over us and wraps her arms around my waist again. placing small kisses on my collarbones as i fall asleep.

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