kelsey smut

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you guys are in prison 😃

(kelsey has already had her baby and her pregnant stomach is gone and yes the picture of her boyfriend is still on her wall.)

warnings: oral!receving, kissing, fingering, ✂️✂️

bisexual dom tease!kelsey x lesbian sub!reader

can someone tell my another word i can use for down there instead of pussy or vagina... pls i hate the word pussy it bothers me so much

im sitting on kelseys bed right now, were talking about random things.

"wait so have you ever had sex with a woman?" i replied laughing. "well.. adam was my first time and weve been dating since then so, No." she admits.

"man you dont know what lives about." i laugh. "wait have you?" she asks, i stay silent. "you fucker!" she giggles. "youve never had sex with a woman either!" she says.

"okay fine i havent, but atleast i dont have babies with roadmen." i said. "hey! it was one baby!" she defends. "and adams not a roadman.." she says. "oh he totally is!" i say.

"ok just a little bit. but hes i guess better then most of them" she says. "mhmmyea" i say. we look eachother in the eyes, kelsey starts to lean in, i dont say anything. do i like her? yes. am i jealous of her boyfriend? yes. my thoughts get paused as i feel soft lips on mine. i snap out of it and kiss her back.

her lips are smooth, they taste like cherry chapstick. i place my hands on each side of her face, her hands go to either side of my neck, she pulls away and shes blushing really hard, "what?" i ask. she turns her head away, my hand still on her face, giggling

she looks back at me. i lean in again, placing a kiss on her lips. its soon to become a heated makeout session, she pulls me on her lap, "wait kelsey.." i pull away, "hm?" she hums. "what about adam.." i say. "what about him?" she says, placing her hands on my hips looking up at me. "i mean hes on your wall.." i say giggling.

she quickly pulls it down. "ill put it back up later" she says, kissing me again, i giggle into the kiss and place my hands on the sides of her neck.

im sitting on top of kelseys lower stomach, close to her heat. her heads leaned against her pillow. her hands still on my hips.

i lean down and place a kiss on her lips, she kisses back, her hands trailing up to my boobs. holding them.

"kelsey.." i moan her name quietly. "hm?" she hums, trailing her hands underneath my shirt. "kelsey." i say again. "what?" she asks softly. "would adam be okay with this...?" i say. "i think hes going to be alright" she says, i kiss her lips more roughly. i start to grind on her, wanting more.

she pulls away. "needy arent we?" she chuckles. "mhm.."

im now below kelseys gaze, she took my jacket, my shirt and my sweatpants off, she pulls down my underwear leaving me in my black sports bra and runs a finger up my slit. "so wet for me." she uses her two middle fingers to spread my folds. slipping her fingers inside my vagina. curling them against my walls. "oh fuck!" i moan.

she smirks above me, she pulls her sweatpants down, leaving herself in her black breifs. slipping her jacket off and taking her shirt off, leaving her in her black sports bra, "god your so hot.." i whimper. "yeah?" she teases me.

she slides her underwear off and my hands go up to her waist, trailing down to her hips, then her thighs.

"you like what you see, huh?" she says. "mhm.." i whimper. kelseys used to topping men, well. a man, the only man shes ever dated. making them feel submissive under her gaze. thats kelsey for you.

she puts my leg on her shoulder, putting her leg over my other one, lining our pussies up. she gently starts grinding on me. "oh!" i moan. "mmmfuck" she groans.

"God fuck.." i groan, grinding on her clit. "kels.." i moan. her hands reach behind me. "can i take off your- fuck... your bra" she groans, still grinding on me. "yeah.." i say and she does. she unclasps it with one hand, the other on my waist.

"im about to cum.." i groan. "cum with me baby" she says as shes about to finish. i cum on her pussy, so just she, her warm cum almost making me want to cum again. "ohhh fuckk!" i grab her hair. "i got you baby.. just ride it out honey.." she says softly, removing my leg putting her hand behind my back and pulling me up.

leaning down and putting her face in my neck, kissing it gently. shes always gentle after breath taking things like this. i mean this is our first time but just in general. its her mom instincts to immediately make sure im okay.

"mmmfuck.." i groan and throw my head back, she leaves red marks on my neck. while shes giving me a hickey on my sweet spot i tangle my hand in the peices of her hair that isnt up.

she kisses down my neck, placing kisses along my collarbone., down my chest, my stomach, and my lower stomach, making her way down to my heat.

"so pretty.." she says looking up at me.

she uses her two fingers to spread my folds, kissing my clit and starts to eat me out. "oh fuck!" i moan out.

"you have to be quiet baby.." she says pulling away and reaching up to hold my hand. going back to eating me out. "i cant kels" i whimper. "shh yes you can. do it for me baby." she says against my pussy, the vibrations sending me into a euphoric state.

i squeeze her hand and bite my lip, trying not to make a sound. "kelsey oh my god.." i groan as i feel my clit throb. "fuck!" i arch my back, she pulls away, looking at my trembling body she reaches down and inserts her two middle fingers into my sopping hole. curling them up against my walls, "im about to cum fuck dont fucking stop im gonna cum!" i say softly, being mindful of the other people in the same hall as us.

"cum for me baby." she says. i came all over her fingers, she pulls out and reaches her hand down to her vagina, slipping her hand in her black underwear and she spreads my liquid on her pussy. rubbing circles on her clit. using my naked body to help herself finish.

she groans as she cums on her fingers. "oh fuck.." she groans, pulling her hand out her underwear and dropping next to me. "fuck.." she says catching her breath. she sits up, propping herself up with her elbows.

she places a soft kiss on my lips. placing one hand on the side of my face. i place my hand on the side of her neck. kissing her back gently. she pulls away.

me and kelsey arent really girlfriends, i mean shes still dating adam, hes literally the father of her child. she told me things adam did to her, she told me that she didnt actually want a child, of course she still loves the child, but she told him not to finish inside her but he did.

that caused her to get pregnant and she didnt want to get an abortion. she also found out he was fucking one of her 'friends' for a month after he got her pregnant.

their still together, kelsey didnt have the heart to break up with him. she loved him so much.

honestly i think its fucked up what he did and im 100% on kelseys side no matter what. kelsey genuinely loved him. she talked about him in the best ways possible. she told me things that she could never admit she pined over to his face. she told me she wishes he didn't do that.

i love kelsey, i really do. not in a best friend way. in a girlfriend way. but i dont want to make her feel like she has to break up with him.

its the morning after and i found myself in kelseys bed, she was sleeping in mine. its around 6am and they check cells at 7am. i realize that kelsey had cleaned me up and put my clothes back on while i was sleeping, along with that she did the same to herself.

i get up from kelseys bed, walking over to hers. "hey kelsey, honey?" i tuck a peice of her loose hair behind her ear. waking her up. "hey y/n.." she says sitting up

"you alright?" i ask, still tired. "mhm.." she hums.

a couple of hours later adam visited kelsey. i can already tell how akaward that was

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