aftercare | bella x reader

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warnings: mentions of previous smut, does NOT contain smut, kissing, reader and bella shower together.


after bella finished cleaning the things we were just using they came back into our bedroom and put them away. im laying on the bed watching them. only wearing my bra and underwear. bella wearing a pair of black boxers and a t shirt.

"you okay baby?" they ask walking towards me and placing a kiss on my lips. "mhm" i hum.

"lets get in the shower yeah?" bella says and i nod. they gently pick me up, i wrap my legs around their waist.

we get into the bathroom and they put my down. reaching behind me and unclasping my bra for me.

they let me get undressed as they turn on the water and let it get warm. i slip my bra off my shoulders and take my underwear off. i get in the shower and bella does the same after taking their clothes off aswell.

once they get in the shower i wet my hair, letting them do the same. once they do i wrap my arms around their neck and they put theirs on my waist.

"so handsome" i say softly and bella blushes. "thank you" they mumble and lean their head down to kiss me gently.

we stand in eachothers presence for a while. my head resting on bellas shoulder as they run their hand up and down my back.

after we got cleaned up we got out the shower and went to the bedroom to change into sleep clothes.
i put my clothes on, im wearing sweats and a bra. bellas wearing a tshirt and their knee length adidas shorts.

bella shut the light off, turned on the tv and layed down next to me on our bed. i wrapped my arms around their waist and layed my leg on top of theirs as we decided on what to watch.

we turned a random movie on and within 20 minutes we both fell asleep.

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