paparazzi 🤍

971 15 7

your pov 🫶🏻

I stand in front of my bathroom mirror, contemplating my outfit, i wore a tye dye shirt with shorts that reach my knees, should i change the shirt? no its fine.

i walk into my room and see bella laying on their back scrolling on their phone on my bed, i smiled at them. "you almost ready baby?" he asks as he gets up and walks closer towards me as im choosing my rings out of a small clay sunset colored bowl that i made when i was a child, i feel a pair of arms wrap around me and smile.

*time skip*

me and bella were walking on a sidewalk downtown, we were talking about the upcoming hbo event when i suddenly see flashing in the corner of my eye. "shit." i mumble and grab bellas hand, we start to walk faster and eventually walk into a random shop. the flashing stopped and i felt relieved, thinking they were gone me and bella walked out of the small shop

we walked around for a couple of minutes till i see the flashing again. "fuckkk" i groan and tilt my head back still holding bellas hand, then I got the sudden idea.
i raise my hand up and stick out my middle finger and thumb. bella didnt even notice

*time skip*
Im sitting on my bed next to bella and scrolling on my phone. The pictures from this afternoon showed up on my feed and I started laughing, bella being confused of what i was laughing at i showed them my phone
"Oh. My. God." she says "You did that?" she says laughing, "Mhm!" i say back and look at the comments "THEY ATE THAT UP. TRUTH"

beldroramscal536269 "they should pull a andrew garfeild and chase them next time"

pedropascalsknee "can we talk abt how good they look? got me blushing"

i laugh at the comments and put my phone down.
i lay down next to bella and cuddle them my head laying on their shoulder and watching what their watching on her phone. its a edit of me flipping off the paparazzi. "oh my goodness.." i say and we both giggle.

definitely expected this too take a long time but it literally took 29 minutes WOW

Pictures Of You - Bella Ramsey OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now