bf!bella hcs

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- bf!bella who absolutely loves spoiling you. like if they see you looking at something they know you like then you put it back theyll sneek and buy you it.

- bf!bella whos soooo protective. when your out in public they always have a hand on you. whether its on your waist or your thigh they always have one on you.

- bf!bella who loves buying you different jewelry, one time they bought you a real silver ring and it had yalls initials on it with the little + (ex; yn + bella).

- bf!bella who everytime when they see something in a shop that even slightly resembles your interests they are buying it. no matter how much it is.

- bf!bella who will literally go to the store at 3am to get something that your craving. like if ur craving hot chips at 2am they are already in the car driving to the store to go get them for you.

- bf!bella who has their hand on your thigh while their driving, one hand on the steering wheel and one on your inner thigh. this isnt sexual at all. their just extremely protective and want you to know that their yours always.

- bf!bella who says i love you after every single kiss. like every single one. they do not want you to forget that they love you so much.

- bf!bella who kisses where your insecure. they always wanna make sure you feel good and loved.

- bf!bella who absolutely LOVES your thighs. their always kissing them. whenever their lying in between your legs they kiss your thighs. when you two yare sitting down next to eachother their hand is always on your thigh. sometimes they rub circles with their fingers on your inner thigh in a way of love and affection.

- bf!bella who always buys whenever yall go out on dates. you always say you can pay or even spilt to compromise but nope. bella always insists on paying and always does.

- bf!bella whos not scared to show you off anywhere. when you were meeting their family they held your hand the whole time. literally did not let go for a second (unless one of yall needed to go to the bathroom or something lol then you guys would just stood outside waiting for eachother.

- bf!bella who immediately introduced you to all their friends. showing you off and shittt.

- bf!bella who takes candids of you and posts them on their story with the caption as "guys i saw this really pretty person should i go ask them for their number im scared.."

- bf!bella who literally will block anyone for you. someone pissing you off and are on bella contacts list? bye byeee. this rarely happens tho lol

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