"good girl"

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this is a KELSEY X READER!!!
i will not be writing smut about bella, ever again.

warnings: no foreplay just shraight to smut, strap use, strap sucking, fingering!receiving dom!kelsey sub!reader, strap riding, Kelseys kind of a hey mamas lesbian ngllll... aftercare included!!

july 15th 2023, 11:34 PM

"kelsey fuck fuck fuck fuck" i moan out for maybe the 15th time as kelsey pounds the 7 inch strap into me. i moan loudly again as i came. she pulls out and breathes heavily. "you okay?" she asks me out of breath. "yeah"

she hovers over me her hands on etheir side of me to support herself. she leans down to kiss me, the feeling of her warm lips on mine makes me get nervous.
i place my hands on her face and start a short makeout session. she pulls away and moves down, kissing my lower stomach she inserts her two middle fingers into my entrance, moving them back and forth. in return i let out a moan. my hand goes down to her hair.

lightly pulling on her hair in a way of telling her how good shes doing. "kelsey oh my god" i throw my head back and tug on her hair a bit harder. she pulls out her fingers and holds the silicon strap and lightly slaps it on my lower stomach, i get an idea to tease her

i sit up and start to stroke it up and down, looking right into her eyes. "fuck" she breathes out at the sight of me.

i get off the bed and get on my knees, i take the tip in my mouth and start to suck lightly on it. i feel kelsey grab my hair and hold it back. i take it in my mouth, bobbing my head with her length, she started to groan and whimper as if she could actually feel it.

"y/n fuck" she says throwing her head back. i pull away a string of siliva attached to my chin and the tip.

"god you look so hot" she says looking down at me, me looking up at her.

"cmon baby" she says sitting on the bed and resting her head against the headboard.

i get on the bed and she touches my waist, i get closer and she now has a full grip on it. i hover above her strap, slowly sitting down as it makes its way into my entrance.

i throw my head back as it fully enters my vagina and her hands move down to my hips. "oh my god" i breath out quietly.

i start to move back and forth, slowly riding the silicon. i start to go faster and suddenly im a moaning mess. "oh fuck kelsey" i moan. "KelsEY fucK" my words start to jambel as her hands meet my hips again.

"good girl" she moans. i throw my head back again as i start to cum. "ohfuckohfuckohfuck" i groan as i cum all over her strap. "y/n fuck" she moans out quietly.

"ride it out mama, just like that" she guides me. "good girl" she tells me as i do what she says. i slowly lean down to kiss her gently. she places her hands in the middle of my back in acts of affection. i kiss her once more before i pull away and get off her dick.

"stay right here baby ill be right back." she tells me as i lay down and catch my breath, she comes back out changed and cleaned up with some of my clothes and a washcloth, she still has sweat beads on her forehead with some of her baby hairs sticking onto it and shes still a little bit out of breath she walks it front of me asking if i was okay, cleaning me up.

"im fine, are you okay?" i ask her. "im okay" she smiles slightly. she finishes and walks over to our closet, getting one of her t-shirts and my underwear.

she comes back over and puts them on me.
i look at her in complete awe as she slides the shirt over my head. she leans down to kiss me. we pull away and i lay down on our bed. getting comfortable in the white comforter. kelsey walks over to her side of the bed and gets in. she lays on her side facing me she kisses me on the lips once again.

"goodnight pretty girl, i love you" she says but im already sleeping. i feel her pull me towards her. making me feel comfortable in her closer presence.

"i love you too kelsey" i say muffled into her shirt

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