blankets | bella x reader

389 11 4

warnings: cussing, small kisses, just fluff. (fluffy blankets)


As fall approaches it also gets colder, im always cold no matter what so we always have blankets lying around in random spots.

me and bella are lying on the couch horizontally, im lying ontop of them with my legs wrapped around their hips. arms around their neck and my neck resting on their chest. were not watching and doing anything, just lying their enjoying eachothers presence.

i get a chill and move around, my face now in bellas neck. "whats wrong baby?" they ask. "im cold" i mumble into their neck. "arent you always?" i nod my nod yes.

bella reaches and grabs the the fluffy white blanket on the couches backrest. spreading it out and putting over us. mostly on me. "better?" they ask me and i nod my head again up and down.

i lift my head up. "hm?" they hum. i take their face in my hands, they flinch at the coldness. "goodness" they breathe out chuckling. "what?" i ask. "your hands are fucking ice" they say, causing me to trail my hands down to their neck. "y/nnnn" they whine and throw their head back. "fine fine fine." i take my hands off their neck.

they lift their head back to face me and i place my hands on the sides of their face. kissing their lips before they can say anything.

they giggle against my lips. placing their hands on the small of my back. i pull away and lean up to kiss their forehead, then their cheek.

"i love you" i say as i kiss their lips. i pull away "i love you more" "noo..." "yess..." they say. "prove it" i say.

"Oh you really want me to prove it?" they say with a small smirk. "No!" i say putting my face in their neck in embarrassment. they laugh and rub circles on my back "its okay baby... i mean if you wan-"

"No isabella." i cut them off sarcastically. they jokeigly gasp at the full name use. "no way you just said that." they laugh. "say what? i didnt say anything?" i act clueless.

"your delirious, go to sleep" they say shushing me like  a mother with her baby.

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