All i ever wanted | bella x reader

375 7 3

warnings: kissing, petnames (baby, babe, pretty girl ), afab reader, periods, mentions of y/n wanting sex but they never actually do it


today all i wanted was to cuddle with bella and go to sleep. considering it is their day off.

i wake up with bella sleeping peacfully next to me, i gently scoot closer to them and place my arm over their stomach. i repeat the same process as i put my legs over their two legs.

"you okay baby?" i hear a voice ask. obviously knowing who it is i reply. "mhm, i have cramps" i mumble.

"ah" bella says, they switch their position, im now laying on them. my head resting between their shoulder and neck.

"is that better?" "mhm"

around two hours later. its now around 7 so its not extremely late. my cramps have been getting worse. bellas body warmth has soothed them a bit though.

i start to have an excruciating pain in my lower stomach. that causes me to wake up. i reach my hand down to place it on my stomach.

"are you okay love?"

"bella it hurts so bad.." i whine. "im sorry baby" they rub circles on my back. "bella.." i whine their name again. "i know i know." they say back.

a couple hours later me and bella had moved to the couch. were cuddling and watching tv. my cramps have soothed alot so it was very peaceful.

"are your cramps still hurting y/n?" bella asks. i shake my head no. "good" bella says as they pull me onto their lap. keeping their hands on my waist and hips.

"my pretty girl" bella says, i lean down to place a kiss on their lips. i straddle them and their hands move down to my hips.

this kind of turns me on a bit, me and bella have never really done anything like that so im not going to ask or do anything of the sorts. im letting bella lead us.

i move bellas hand back up to my waist. since i moved one hand they automatically moved their other one. the kiss becomes more rough. i pull away for air and bella looks at me and chuckles.

all i ever wanted

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