living with mom!gf!kelsey HC

575 8 7

warnings: swears

- this woman is a fucking CLEAN FREAK. even before she was a mom sometimes adam would catch her tidying up his room after he told her not too because it wasnt her job and he'll clean it himself (he never fucking did)

- i feel like her apartment would consist of dark colors, like kelsey hates modern minimalism. she really likes the color purple along with black, shes not a regular mom shes a cool emo mom

- she definitely has pictures of her in her scene kid era, but adams in half of them so she put blue painters tape over his face so she wouldnt have to damage the picture

- kelsey still does drugs sometimes but her addiction is gone. she doesnt get high and she doesnt do it alot. she only smokes a joint like once every 4 weeks lol

- shes def an essential oils mom. like you cant tell me shes not. not like in a 50 year old almond mom way, in a 'oh this smells good' way. she also owns like 5 oil diffusers.

- her room literally looks like a teenagers room, she has a tapestry and led lights, shes so cool bro.

- she also has adhd, but its not like messy adhd its cleanfream adhd (as i said earlier) so everything is fucking SPOTLESS. all the time, but she also lives with a 2 year old so like things can get messy but you always always always help her clean bc like why wouldnt you lol

-  this is abt daniel but whatever, he had this phase where he'd only respond if you called him peter parker like wtf. he also has this sound machine thats really fucking loud.

- kelseys def a vinyl record user, like she has lana del rey, some melanie martinez and shes def a little bit of a swiftie. she also LOVES abba.

- she actually likes doing her makeup, she doesnt do very much because her skin cleared up alot after she recovered but she wears eyeliner and shit

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