because i love you | kelsey x reader

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warnings: yelling (obviously), mentions of relapse, almost s3lfh@rm attempt, much angst.

I stood there quietly, me and kelsey have been arguing for around 20 minutes.

shes trying to stop doing drugs

she relapsed 2 days ago without telling me. when i found out today I got upset and thats how we got in this situation.

"i dont need to fucking tell you everything!" she yells.
"you fucking promised youd tell me." i yell back.

"well maybe i was upset at myself! did you ever think of that???" she yells

her exact words "i promise i will tell you if i relapse, okay? your the first and only person i will tell."

"i didnt want you to be upset. im trying my best and i just want you to be happy." she yells, tears forming in her eyes

"fine." i say and she speed walks to the front door, opening it and slamming it once she walks out.

its been 30 minutes since she left and im scared. what if something happened to her? what if she jumped of a fucking bridge??? thoughts fill my head as i lay on my side on the bed.

i just want to feel her lips against mine, telling me everythings okay. but its not. everythings not okay. me and my girlfriend got into an argument and now she could be fucking dead. and itd be my fault

i sit up and open my nightstand drawer. taking my pocket knife out and pulling my shorts down all the way. aligning the blade with my thigh.

"what are you doing.?" i hear i voice from the doorway say. i jump at it. its kelsey. "y/n put it down." she demands me.

she speed walks towards me. taking it out of my hands, closing it and putting it in her back pocket.

"look at me" she says. i start to tear up as she takes my face in her hands. "its okay." she says kissing me on the lips. i wanted to feel this again. and i finally am.

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