its okay | kelsey x reader

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wanrings: reader kisses kelsey forehead and temple lmao, adam actually got really upset when he found out she was pregnant, reader calls kelsey honey and stuff like that


kelseys pov:

adams visiting me today, i found out i was pregnant 4 hours ago. im scared to tell him. he said he wanted to have kids with me so it shouldnt be to much of a problem.

im waiting for him to enter the room. a couple seconds go by and i see him. he walks over to me. "you all right?" he whispers before kissing me semi-roughly.

we sit down and he leans over to hand me a small drug. "go now." he says. "i cant" "they're not watching"

i do what he says and i put it in my mouth then put it in my genital area.

"im pregnant." i say. "what?" he replies. "im pregnant." i repeat myself. "what are you gonna do about it?" "keep it, you wanna know why? judges go easy on pregnant women."

"with a knee of brown?"

"No, theyll send me down yeah but i wont get six or anything like it."

"how long then?" he asks

"three and a half, she reckons."

"okay so you get three and a half yeah? and who minds the baby?"

"i do." i say confidently

"what?" he chuckles. "theres a mother and baby unit here. you can keep your baby up to 18 months old. thats why they give me three and a half, cos if i do three and a half ill do 21 months which means i can have the baby, mind it, then leave with it."

"your serious arent you?" he scoffs. "yeah."
"you said you wanted to have kids with me."
"yeah i know what i said. its just.."

"what? what is it adam." "it just seems a bit sudden."

"well if you didnt want kids then maybe you shouldve pulled out adam." i scoff. "look its not entirely my fault. you were the one saying to finish inside of you. i did what you told me to."

i scoff again. "unbelievable." i mumble, looking to the side. "what is babe?" "your basically denying that you said you wanted to have kids with me."

"i meant in the future, kelsey. not while were 19 and 20 years old."

"well when else would we have kids? when were fucking 40?"

"no kelsey. just not now." "whatever adam. well its your baby and you cant do anything to change that."

the bell rings, "alright bye. i love you." i say and he says it back. i know he doesn't actually mean that. i mean maybe a little bit but definitely not fully.

we both stand up and he hugs me. kissing my lips softly before leaving. a few minutes later after he all the other visitors leave, the inmates do the same. going back to the main building. i immediately walk up to y/n with tears in my eyes

your pov:

"whats wrong babe?" i ask her. she hugs me and i hug her back. "its adam."

"whatd he do honey?" i ask. "he kept acting like he said he didnt wanna have kids with me, then put half the blame on me."

"im sorry kels.." i kiss her temple. "lets go to the cell yeah?" i lead her to our cell and sit her down on my bed.

4 hours later.

im watching kelsey from my bed as she rings adam on the phone.

"hey babe" i hear over the phone in which kelsey responds with a hi.

"what do you want babe"

"can you come to the babies ultrasound tomorrow please."

"i dont think i can"

"why not??"

"i just cant"

"fucking hell your the babies dad adam you have to be there."


"alright bye. i love you" she hangs up.

"what the fuck is wrong with him?" i ask. "hes just stressed thats all."

"right." "what do you mean?? he is stressed."
"i believe you. but like kelsey.." "what?"
"nevermind. im going to bed." i say laying down facing away from her.

"okay" she says turning to her wall. looking at the picture of adam.

i wake up to hear kelsey on the phone giggling. shes talking to adam.

god their like 15 year olds. kelsey says bye to him and this is like the first time ive heard him say i love you to her. honestly i know he doesnt mean it but im not about to break her heart.

she walks over towards my bed. sitting on the edge of it as a stare up at the ceiling. "y/n guess what adam said."

"what he finally said he loves you?" "what? no, hes coming for the babies ultrasound." "i thought that was established already.??"

"i know but its like confirmed, i wanna ask him to marry me" i sit up. "what?"

"yeah!" "kelsey i dont think thats a good idea." "why wouldnt it be? we love eachother and i want a proper family."

"do whatever you want."

kelseys pov:

im sitting in the waiting room. i see adam walk in and i smile. "hey" he says. "hi babe" i reply smiling, standing up. he goes to hug me but miss martin stops him. "thats close enough."

"id like to hug the mother of my child?" "you cant."
"you alright?" he asks me. "fine." i reply

im laying down on the ultrasound bed. "will it be alright?" i ask. "its going to be fine." she replies and i look at adam. "boy or girl, do you wanna know?"
i look at adam again. "err" thinking if i wanna know or not. "yes" me and adam say.

"its a boy"



im making a vanessa edit (fnaf) 😈😈😈

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