cigarettes during sex | kelsey x reader

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bisexual!kelsey x lesbian!reader
kelsey isn't pregnant and is broken up with kerrin and you guys never were in prison.

thigh riding part based off of twitter link

warnings, kelsey smoking while you ride her thigh????, strap use, vibrator usage. aftercare included


11:48 PM

"i know i know.." kelsey says as i moan loud and she pounds into me for god knows how many time, "kelsey fuck.. i cant take it..!" i moan. "yes you can baby.. sh yes you can" she says laying her body weight on me, her face in my neck still pounding roughly into me.

"im so close.." i moan out and feel her smirk against my neck. "me too baby.." she says referring to the stimulation base thats grinding on her clit.

she hits my g-spot with every thrust. her soft praises and her british accent making me want to arch right there.

i let out a long strain of moans and throw my head back, bucking my hips into the strap to create more tension.

"im gonna cum.." i whimper. "me too baby fuck.." she moans, all you can hear is our bed squeaking and skin slapping.

"cum for me.." she says and a few seconds later i cum all over the solid black strap. she pulls away, hair sticking to her sweaty forehead and catching her breath.

12:10 AM

"mhm just like that baby" kelsey says as i grind on her thigh. she places her hand on my hips and guides me, using her other hand to hold her cigarette in between her two fingers

"i wanna cum so bad" i say, putting my face into her neck. "oh yeah?" she mumbles, effortlessly blowing the smoke from her mouth, making sure not to get it in my face. "yeah" i reply and her hand goes down to grip my ass. "are you alright?" she asks softly. "mhm" i whine into her shirt.

"im gonna cum kelsey" i say into the fabric, pulling away from her shirt and looking her in the eyes, she throws her head back, squeezing the flesh on my ass. i lean up, smashing my lips against hers, she kisses back and slips her tounge in my mouth, i taste her cigarette and chapstick, it lingers onto my lips.

i moan softly, still kissing her as i feel my clit throb. "fuck fuck fuck" i moan against her lips. i pull away, my lips inching away from hers.

"such a good girl" she says softly, trailing her hand back up my waist, gripping onto my boob underneath my shirt.

i pull away from her, so now im just sitting on her lap.
she tilts her head back up.

a few minutes later with kelsey above me, bullet vibrator on my clit and her fingers sunk into my sopping cunt. curling them every so often, i grip onto her forearm as i reach my high and throw my head back. cumming on her fingers everytime.

kelsey knows exactly how and where to make me cum. she knows my weaknesses and my sweet spots. she remembers where to place hickeys so i can moan her name and she knows exactly how to make me beg her not to stop.

she pulls her fingers out and sucks each finger, leaving them clean. she turns and pulls away the vibrator. leaning down to kiss me.

12:57 AM

"ill be right back baby ok?" she says, i nod and watch her leaving the room with the strap and vibrator in her hand. im assuming shes going to go clean them. i clean myself up and slip my underwear back on, putting my bra back on and putting kelseys sweatpants on.

a few minutes later she comes back into the room, smiling at me, putting the toys back into that drawer.
she lays next to me, placing a kiss on my lips, putting her hand on my waist.

"you alright?" she asks, "mhm. are you?" i say softly, wrapping my arms around her neck. "yea" she says smiling as i tilt my head up to lean in and place another kiss on her lips.

we pull away, "can you take your shirt off..." i ask softly. "not in a weird way i just wanna be cl-" i say but she cuts me off. "baby weve been married for 3 years i know what you mean." she says taking her shirt off. leaving herself in her bra and her black knee length adidas shorts.

i scoot down and hug her ribcage, putting my face in her neck, she pulls the chilly white comforter over us. her hair is slightly draping over my shoulders. its really soft, ive always loved her hair.

"i love you baby" she says softly. "i love you too kels" i say softly, we both fall asleep.

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