needy | kelsey x reader

434 6 14

warnings: public sex, KELSEY WEAR THAT WHITE BUTTON UP WITH HER HAIR DOWN THAT ATRACTS THE GALS (and non binary pals), fingering, knee grinding, vaping


me and kelsey are out with friends tonight, its kind of a friend group i guess. its me, kelsey, my friend samatha, adam, kelseys friend magnolia and adams friend theo. technically were all friends but we kind of just introduced them to eachother.

kelsey looked so fucking hot. she had her hair down, an untucked white long sleeved button up with the cuffs rolled, black jeans and her doc martens. all while hitting her vape pen frequently, blowing the smoke from her mouth effortlessly, manspreading in the outdoor chair.

i watched her hand go from gripping her vape to her other hand gripping my thigh. "yeah totally" she says referring to a comment from samantha in which magnolia replies to, putting her hand up to her mouth to hit the pen once more.

"kels?" i mumble while samantha, magnolia, adam and theo have their own conversations. "mhm?" she hums looking at me, her hand still on my inner thigh.

i give her the look and she chuckles. "were gonna go to the bathroom k?" kelsey tells adam in which he nods and returns to his conversation with samantha.

she grabs my hand, slipping her vape pen into her back pocket after hitting, again. me leading us to the bathroom.

when we enter the very nice and clean family restroom i lock the door, "what do you need baby?" she asks. knowing exactly what i want just deciding to be difficult.

"you.." i mumble embarrassed.

"dont be embarrassed sweetheart.. its just me.." she says creating a billon butterflies in my stomach. she steps over to me and pushes me up against the wall with very little force. placing her hands on my waist.

she kisses my lips multiple times, the last one turning into a makeout session. i place my hands on the sides of her face. feeling her smirk against my lips. making me whimper.

she slides her hands down my waist, placing them on my hips then gently rubbing them with her thumbs.

she reaches her hand underneath my shortish dress. "can i do this?" she asks in which i say yes to.

she slides her hand under my panties. smirking at my wetness.

"so wet for me princess arent you?" she says rubbing circles on my clit. "uh huh..." slipping her fingers in my slicked cunt. she starts curling them back and forth. making me moan and throw my head back. "eyes on me princess, alright?" i nod in agreement, keeping eye contact with her black eyelined eyes, her dark brown pupils.

she kicks her knee up, making sure not to hit me.
"ride it." she demands. i wrap my arms around her neck. "its gonna mess your jeans up though.."

"dont worry about it babygirl.. just focus on me ok?"
i start to grind my cunt on her clothed knee. "oh.." i moan. "thats it princess, keeping going just like that."

"doing so good baby.."

"kels- oh!" i moan once again. she chuckles at my neediness. "you're doing such a good job for me.."
"can't believe your all mine." she says again. i grind harder on her knee, my clit is pulsating. aching for my high.

"kelsey im so close baby.."

"ive got you honey, you can cum whenever." that did it. she just knows how to make me melt, i moan loudly as i finish. thank god that all the people talking and thr faint music muffled it real quickly.

"kelsey fuck!" i groan. "thats my girl.." she chuckles. i stand back up fully and my knees give in, leaning into kelsey for support. "you okay love?"

"mhm." i say holding onto her neck. she runs her hand up and down my back. "you did such a good job for me darling.." she says and i chuckle. hugging her.

i pull away and kiss her. she breaks the kiss.

after we get cleaned up we walk back out. causally sitting back down as if kelsey didnt just make me practically scream her name.

"you good y/n?"

"yea.. just drank to much thats all.." i say, kelsey puts her arm behind me as i hold her other hand on her lap.

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