that funny feeling | k.m

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that funny feeling - phoebe bridgers

"there it is again, that funny feeling"

warnings: drug usage (heroin), cursing, yelling
sunday, 12:34 pm

kelseys pov:

i pull up to adams apartment complex, he lives with his new girlfriend, shes so annoying. shes a chav and she thinks im interested in adam still. he literally threatened me and his child why are YOU even with him.

i hold daniels hand and help him up the stairs, i can hear him counting each step instead of walking up the stairs hes jumping up each one, his batman backpack on his back. i smile to myself, we reach the floor adams on and i walk up to his door. picking daniel up and knocking on the door. daniel leans his head on my shoulder and wraps his arms around me.

adams girlfriend, lucy, answers the door. smacking her gum, her messy bun looked absolutely atrocious, her caked makeup and false eyelashes. i would give her my business card but no, shes a bitch why would i ever.

"what do you want" she says, her gross thick annoying british accent literally making my ears bleed. "uhh wheres the blonde curly haired girl that was here last week she was prettier" i say and she scoffs. "adam and me have been dating for four weeks" she laughs.

"thats great we were dating for 4 years and he didnt cheat on me once. i mean i see why hes cheating on you but aside from that can i speak to the father of my son now? you know so he can take care of HIS SON, you know the same son i gave birth to 2 years ago after he got ME PREGNANT."

i dont wanna argue with her. shes just a bitch. "babe!" she yells. "yeah!" i hear adam shout back. "your ex is here" she shouts. "shes the mother of my child not 'my ex' shes giving him to me for the week??" he says annoyed. she scoffs, again. and then walks into adams room.

"alright bye baby" i say to daniel before kissing his forehead and handing him to adam. , "hey adam i actaully have a question" i say, messing around with my fingers nervously. "yeah?" he replies. "do you still deal?" i ask, whispering

"yeah" he says, putting daniel down, daniel runs to his room. "what do you want?" adam asks.

"the same as before i quit" i say quietly and he nods. "ill be right back" he goes to his room for a while before coming back with a ziploc bag of what i used to smoke. "thanks, here" i hand him 30£. "nah kelsey i need like twenty more it was only thirty because i used to give you the pretty girl discount or whatever it was called."

"its not like my prettiness went away whenever you left me but whatever" i say with a straight face but for some reason he has a small grin on his face, i internally cringe and pull out 20 more and and it too him. "thank you"

"yep! bye!" i say, stuffing the small plastic bag in my pocket making it not visible so i dont get caught with it.

next week, monday 1:38pm

your pov:

daniel went to the store with me today, kelseys been acting strange. when i kissed her this morning she didnt kiss back and when i put my hands on her waist she pushed them away.

i tried asking if she was okay but she didnt respond. its like shes hiding something.

i put daniel in his carseat, then drive home.

i pick daniel up and the two plastic shop bags. i walk up the steps and unlock the door. i set daniel down along with the two bags. daniel runs off to go play with his toys.

theres a certain scent that i recognize very well. "hey kel- what the fuck"

kelsey throws it out the window. "what are you doing?!" i ask. "nothing babe i promise i was just-"
i cut her off. "where did you get this from?" i ask, pissed.

she stays silent. "are you fucking serious" i say. "im sorry i was just dropping off daniel and i needed something please y/n im sorry i wont do it again" she starts crying. "im sorry babe please" i look at her crying. my eyes soften. "please just understand y/n" she says.

"you know how dangerous this is now?? we have a child and if you get addicted again-"

"im not gonna get addicted again!" kelsey yells defensivly.

i scoff. "you cant just fuck around with that shit anymore kelsey! were rasing a child! what even made you think that that was okay?!" i yell back. kelseys eyes start tearing up again.

"im sorry y/n.. its really hard for me to distance myself from it and i just needed to feel something again im so sorry i wont do it again."

i finally understand how kelsey feels.

i step closer to her and i notice her hands start shaking. my sweet girl, i didnt mean for this to happen.

i take her hands in mine gently. "your okay kelsey. im sorry" she immediately hugs me. "im sorry i couldnt help it i-" "your okay" i cut her off. "i shouldn't have yelled at you like that, im so sorry. i love you so much i just dont wanna loose you again baby"

"im sorry" she says again. "dont apologize." i tell her.

she cries into my chest. "hey, look at me" i tilt her head up. i wipe her tears away. "your okay" i say softly.

"mommy?" theres a tiny voice at the door. kelsey looks behind me to look at the doorway and i turn my head. "yes baby.." kelsey says softly. "why are you crying?" he asks.

"dont worry about it sweetheart." she says. he runs off. kelsey looks back at me and gets on her tip toes to kiss me. "im gonna take a shower okay?" i nod and smile as she walks off into the bathroom.

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