mom & mom | bella x reader

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warnings: kissing, mentions of food

father/mother!bella x mother!reader
miles is around 3 years old and you and bella are 25 (you) and 26 (bella)

your pov:

miles is patiently waiting for bella to get home from work. hes sitting on the living room floor playing with his toys as he watches The worst witch, i put this on for him because he really missed bella today. this gives him the opportunity to hear bellas voice and see them.

im sitting on the couch scrolling through instagram reels. also, waiting for bella to get home. miles walks up to me and climbs on the couch, laying his head on my lap, "you okay sweetheart?" i ask, combing my fingers through his hair. he nods his head and rubs his eyes. i can tell hes getting sleepy considering its 7pm which is around his bedtime at 7:45.

i click on life360 to see where bellas at and it says their 10 minutes away, i swipe out of life360 and go on messages to text them.

bella ❤️

hey babe did you eat today?
delivered 7:10

yeah i did, what about you and miles?

yeah i just made him mac and cheese like an hour ago

okay good, ill be home in like 3 minutes alright?

kk i love you bye

i love you too baby

end of text messages

i pick up miles up off my lap gently placing him to the side next to our dog, skipper.

i pick up miles' toys off the ground and put them away
after im finished with that i sit back down on the couch and just as i do that i hear bella walking in the front door. miles shoots up. he runs into the entryway of the house to go see bella.

i get up to do the same. i walk out of the living room and hear bella and miles talking. "wheres mommy?" bella asks and miles points to me, whos standing at the doorway. "hi baby" bella smiles, i walk over to them smiling, they set miles down and he hugs bellas leg. i wrap my arms around bellas neck. theirs go around my waist and we kiss. their hands go up to my face and hold it on either side. mine move to their chest.

we pull away and miles starts whining at bella. "mama" he says. "hm?" bella replys.

"he missed you so much bella." i say.

"awhh" bella bends down to pick him up and he points to the living room, we all walk in there. "oh look its me" bella says looking at the tv.

"i told you he missed you" i chuckle. bella sits on the couch with him and i sit beside them. he cuddles bella until he falls asleep.

i walk go into the bathroom to use it and walk back out to see bella and miles sleeping on the couch.

i kneel down in front of bella, tucking their hair out their face. "bella" i smile. "bellaa" i say again in attempt to wake them up.

"baby come on lets go to bed."

i take miles off of bella and walk over to his room to lay him down. i turned his sound machine on and exited the room. i walked into the living room again to see bella turning the tv off and walking towards me.

me and bella are now ready to sleep, where lying in bed with the covers over us. im lying ontop of bella and they have their arms wrapped around my waist.

i tilt my head up to place a kiss on their lips.

"goodnight baby i love you"

"i love you too babe" they say placing a kiss on my neck as we both fall asleep in eachothers presence.

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