teen romance | bella x reader

489 6 13

bellas not famous in this and you guys are 15

you guys should totally listen to "Baby Im Yours" by Cass Elliot & Sweather Weather by The Neighborhood while reading this

I walked into class and sat down at my desk. my eyes meet with this person, their name is bella and their so pretty. they dont seem to notice me that much but i always notice them.

Today they smiled at me and i felt heat rising to my face, i wanna tell them how i feel but what if they dont like me back and i make a fool of myself?

"alright guys so thats it for the lesson, you guys can pick your partners for the assignment." our teacher said.

i saw other girls speeding towards one another and boys quickly running to eachother. ive always been the "quiet kid" so i dont have much friends. my only friends say im ugly but i love them too much to stop being friends with them.

im just sitting there, at my desk observing the classroom knowing im going to have to work by myself again.

i see bella walking over towards my desk and i quickly snap out of my transe, making it look like im actually doing something.

"y/n?" i hear bellas voice say. "oh hi" i say back. "do you want to work together because i saw yo-" i cut them off with a fast "Yes" and i feel heat rising to my cheeks again.

"okay!" they say happily and i watch them sit down next to me. i start too write something down and they ask if i have a pencil because they left theirs at their desk on accident. i nod my head yes and look in my backpack.

i pick up a mechanical pencil, which i never give anyone. but bellas different. i go to give it to them and their hand brushes mine.

i quickly look down and smile. their hand was really soft and the ring on it was cold.

okay y/n stop being weird. just focus.

"okay so what do you think this answer is?" they ask me softly. "im thinking its B, i mean because.." i go on to say why i think its B.

They look at me the whole time, just admiring me.

bellas pov:

y/n has to be the most beautiful person ive ever seen. And ive seen alot of people. their the prettiest.

I want to just feel their hand again. when it brushed mine i visibly blushed, hard.

ive liked them for a long long time, since grade 3.
ive always been told that people who liked their same gender were weird. but id rather be weird than not like y/n.

your pov:
class is over, me and bella were talking about random things. we were walking through the hallway side by side, just talking. im pretty sure were late to our next classes but id rather be with bella then anything.

bella turns towards me, they stopped talking and we just looked at eachother.

they start to lean in and so do i. feeling their lips touch mine was something ive wanted to feel for a long time.

we pull away and smile. "i like you alot y/n." they say.
"me too bella.." i say and we kiss once more.

That was ages ago, we are now married and we have a son whos about to turn 3.

I wouldnt want to be with anyone else besides bella.

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