tease >rework | kelsey x reader

388 5 2

warnings: vibrator use, teasing, fingering, praise kink, spit kink

ive been under kelseys gaze for almost an hour. if i hadnt been teasing her all day i wouldnt be here right now.

"kelsey... i cant take it.." i whimper. "yes you can baby.. your doing so good." she says holding the purple vibrator on my clit. i feel my high coming and making it visible, kelsey notices and pulls the vibrator away from me.

"kelsey" i groan in annoyance, reaching my hand down and rubbing circles around my clit. "nuh uh.. No your not doing that" she says pulling my hand away and pinning it over my head.

"if you wanna cum so bad you shouldnt have been a tease to me today." she says. "im sorry kelsey please.."

"hm?" she hums. "im sorry kels" i say.

"mhm alright" she says putting the vibrator back on my clit. making me get chills. i feel my high start up again, once again. she pulls it away.

"i have something i think youll like better hm?" she says softly. slipping her two middle fingers in my cunt. "oh fuck" i moan.

"that feel good baby?" she asks. "uh huh"

"words darling" she says curling her fingers and using her thumb to rub my clit. "God fuck! yes kels dont stop."

"doing so fucking good baby.." she tells me, causing butterflies in my stomach. "i cant take it fuck!"

"yes you can babygirl, your so close honey"

she leans down and kisses me, licking my bottom lip and asking for permission in which a grant. we basically swapped spit, after i transferred my saliva into her mouth she did the same, i swallowed and she pulled away.

she fingers me faster and eventually helps me reach my high, allowing me the finish on her fingers.

"such a good girl"

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