kelsey ** <reworked>

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im gonna start putting * at smut chapters so yall know
im in the car and extremely bored so here ya go

‼️ *again, kelsey is 21 years old, not writing smut about a minor* ‼️
song: smooth operator- sade
summary: ermmm you and kelsey are still in prison, the cops never found out yall fucked in the cell and are dating

"mmh kelsey.." i moan out as she sucks on my neck, my sweet spot. "shh you have too be quiet baby.." she says quietly, "i cant.." i moan out quietly. "sh yes you can babe.. be quiet for me" she says softly as she kisses down my neck and collarbone. i grip on her hair and she takes off the jacket hanging over my shoulders. dropping it on the ground.

she slides her hand down my gray shorts, rubbing circles on my clit. "kels.." i moan her name semi-loudly and cover my mouth in shock of how loud i just moaned. considering theres other people in their own cells such as the two woman across from us who dont know me and kelsey are dating and would tell everyone we are. yeah, we need to be really fucking quiet.

"y/n!" she whisper-yells at me. "im sorry!" i say in defeat.

she giggles and lifts my leg up holding it against her waist. i place my hand on her waist. her slipping her two middle fingers into my wet vagina. "all wet just for me?" she says quietly, moving the fingers back and forth, curling them when i get too my high. "kelsey im gonna cu-" i get cut off by my climax and i let out a quiet breathly moan. "good girl" her british accent driving me absolutely crazy. i swear she could say something and ill cum on the spot.

i hear heavy walking through the halls, about too reach our cell. "shit shit shit" i say and kelsey lets go of my leg quickly, pulling her hand out, and me putting my grey jacket back on.

turns out the cop that was walking down a whole other hallway. not the one where our cell was in.

"dude.." kelsey says and we both laugh a little bit. kelsey walking back over towards me. "soo round 2?" she asks smiling.

"sure. but if we actually get caught im blaming you." i say giggling. "fair" she says stepping towards me, placing her hands on my hips and leaning in.

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