"my baby"

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title is how i feel when i see someone making fun of them
anyways enjoy
in this one bella comes across a video of people saying bad things about their appearance and y/n finds them crying.

y/ns pov:
im cleaning my bathroom thats conneted too my room, bellas sitting on my bed scrolling on their phone. i pick up some things that where cluttering my counter and i heard like crying sniffling coming from my bedroom area. i look over and i see bella tearing up. "baby whats wrong?!" i ask concerned as drop the stuff and i speed walk over too my bed where bella is. "oh nothing dont worry" they say as they wipe the tears away.

"no baby whats wrong." i ask. "i said nothing." they say more sernly. "alright." i say and walk out of the room completely.

i wonder whats wrong with them? did something happen? did someone die? 1 hour later of leaving bella alone i walk back in the room. they fell asleep, their phone was still on. i was about too shut it off for them so it wouldnt lose battery but something caught my attention. it was a tiktok about bella being "unattractive" or "ugly" obviously i didn't believe any of that. theyre the prettiest person ive ever seen. i myself start tearing up because i feel so bad for bella "my baby.." i whisper too myself

i swiped out of the app and set their phone down on the nightstand. i walk around the other side of the bed, lay down and wrapping my arms around bellas waist pulling them closer. i kiss their head and hold them until they wake up.

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