cigarettes out the window | kelsey x reader

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warnings: unhealthy relationship, drug addiction and dealing mentions, arguing, mentions of sex, kelsey not coming back home till like 3 in the morning.

as i just said in the warnings this oneshot will cotain sensitive topics!!! please do not read if you have trauma or ptsd from these subjects.

Song 1 - Cigarettes out the window - TV girl
Song 2 - Cry - Cigarettes after Sex
Song 3 - Cigarette daydreams - Cage the Elephant

its 3 in the morning and kelsey still isnt back home. this happens often. im laying in bed holding onto my stomach waiting for her because im so anxious.

i pick up my phone and text her.

kels ❤️

hey baby, are you okay?

when are you coming home? i miss u

i love you

delivered 3:27am

are you okay???

kelsey please come home.


i miss you.

i love you

delivered 3:58am

i set my phone down next to me. as soon as i know it ive fallen asleep. waking up to kelsey walking into the room and setting down a plastic bag of weed and a small box of rolling papers on her nightstand.

she smells like alcohol, weed and cigarettes. she always comes home smelling like this, its almost like its gotten comforting.

"why do you do this?" i ask softly.

"what?" her thick british accent making it sound harsher than it was intended to be. "why do you always come home at 3 in the morning smelling like weed? im fucking sick of this kelsey."

"sick of what? me actually fucking feeling something??" she yells.

i stand up and walk in front of her. the cold air hitting my legs.

"you come home at 3 in the fucking morning, you dont text me back, you come back high and horny half the time, im tired of this shit. i want to go to bed knowing my girlfriend is safe and not dead or something! i dont want to have sex everynight and when i give you what you want you treat me like im your fuck buddy you dont give two shits about!" i yell.

"you never even texted me!" she yells back.

"yes i fucking did!"

"whatever, look im tired and i want to go to sleep." she says. "real fucking mature!" i yell walking out the room and into the living room. i lay on the couch, crying myself to sleep.

i woke up at 10 o'clock with a blanket that i didnt put on, i noticed a small notepad with sharpie on it. 'ill be back later. love u' the note read. i slightly smile at 'love u' at the end. it fades fast when i realize she's probably out doing drugs again.

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