mistake | kelsey x reader

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requested by; nevaehhasyourheart

"it was like yn never wanted to try drugs and shit but one day when kelsey left for a bit she tried smoking it but had WAY WAY too much and had like a panic attack and couldn't think straight and kelsey comes home to that"

warnings: drug use, panic attacks


when kelsey left to go to her sisters house today i got urges. not sexual urges, but urges to smoke some of kelseys weed. i tried distracting myself from the thought by just using my vape with very very little THC in it. not even enough to get me high if i used it for 4 hours straight. ive never really cared for drugs. i mean my parents and siblings did it my entire childhood and i didnt want to follow in the same footsteps.

the urge got to me so i went over to kelseys nightstand, opening the drawer and pulling her ziploc bag of weed out. grabbing her rolling papers also.

i rolled one and grabbed my lighter which was on my nightstand. lighting it and smoking it for around 10 minutes before it was done.

i was a mixture of emotions but i knew i wanted another one so thats what i did. i rolled another one.

this one took around 20 minutes to finish since i kept stopping, but edvenutally it got done. i flicked them out the open window. putting kelseys stuff away and standing up.

i got up way to fast almost to the point where i got dizzy. it went away fast and i sat back down. i started thinking of all these situations that may happen. like kelsey getting mad at me for using her stuff or how this feeling isnt going away.

i think im about to have a panic attack, i thought. and i did. i was stressing out and and my hands were shaking, my breathing became rapid. i hear the door open but i ignore it.

kelseys pov:

i enter me and y/ns apartment and im met with the scent of weed. oh no.. did y/n? im not mad at her because i totally understand the urges it causes on people but is she okay?

your pov:

"y/n??" i hear a familiar voice say, it sounds blurry. "baby whats wrong???" she says concerned, getting on my level.

"hey, look at me babygirl." she says placing her hands on ethier side of my face. i try to look at her clearly.

"shh shh sh... look at me." she says. her voice calming me down. my hearing becomes very more clearer than before.

"breathe baby.. breathe.." she says and i slowly calm down. "ive got you." she kisses my forehead gently.

"tell me what happened honey.. whenever your okay."

"i got these urges and i couldnt stop them i tried vaping to get rid of them and it didnt work so i used your weed and smoked two blunts" i blurt out. "im sorry kelsey i didnt mean-" she cuts me off by kissing my lips.

she pulls away. "its alright honey.. its okay.." she calms me down. taking me in her arms causing me to fall asleep

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