first kiss | hbo!ellie x reader

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warnings: kissing, swearing, mentions of david at the ending

YOU AND ELLIE ARE 15 YEARS OLD!! (episode 9 ellie)

hbo!ellie x reader

while joel was outside, trying to fix the car, me and ellie were looking around the abandoned gas station.

i go behind the counter, "check it" i say getting ellies attention, i break the cash register open. "where the fuck did you even learn to do that"

"i dunno" i shrug walking away. "hey y/n look" she says smirking playfully while looking at a wall of boxes of cigarettes. "woah.." i say grabbing one out of curiosity.

"wait should i open it?" i ask. "yeah do it!" she replies.

i open it up, revealing the dark orange tipped sticks.
i grab one from the small box. inspecting it closely, "eh" i say loosing interest and handing them to ellie, which she takes and i walk away exploring the rest of the rest the the store.

"hey y/n?" she calls for me. "yeah?" i reply walking over to her.

"i need to tell you something." ellie says nervously, "what is that?" i reply.

"uhm.. nevermind! its nothing!" she says walking away leaving me confused. "ooookay.." i say.

10 minutes pass and were sitting on the floor of the store next to eachother, our hands were ontop of eachother, which looked like made ellie even more anxious.

"okay y/n i actually need to tell you something."


"i like you, not in a friend way but in like a.." she says trailing off trying to look for a word. "like in a girlfriend way?" i ask softly and quietly just in case thats not the word she was looking for.

"yeah.." ellie says. "me too ellie." i say and she smiles.
i lean forward, tilting my head slightly and moving my hand up to her cheek. i place a soft kiss on her lips in which she returns happily.

ellies really bad at hand placement so i wouldnt expect her to know where to put her hands.

well i guess she got her shit together because she just put her hand on the side of my neck. about four seconds into the kiss we hear joel,

"im so sorry" he says urgently looking for the door to exit. me and ellie quickly pull away, snapping our heads towards him. "its fine.. were done" i say to calm him down.

i hesr ellie mutter an "aw man" as soon as i say the words 'were done'

"so are you two like.." he asks quietly trailing off. "uhmm" i trail off looking at ellie in which she nods her head yes happily. "i guess so." i reply with a nod.

a few weeks later.

me and ellie have been dating for around 2 weeks. weve only kissed like 3 times since then and i've enjoyed every single one of them.

ellie seems to be happier, after david she wasnt really talkitive. now shes back to her old self. obviously theres still a part from that day in her that upsets her.

i was there, i shot him in the head. it kind of traumatizes me but im not trying to compare myself with ellie since i know for a fact it affected her more.

were in the car, joels driving and me and ellie are in the back seat, were reading these comics. what ive noticed is ellie loves physical touch. whenever were in the car shes always holding my hand, resting her head on my lap or my shoulder.

whenever where sleeping shes holding my hand, which doesnt bother me at all if it makes her feel safe.

we dont really use petnames considering were only 15. however, we do compliment eachother from time to time. she shoots and kills a rabbit? good job.

she successfully cussed out an adult in jackson when he pissed her off at 14 years old? good job!!

or when she just looks really pretty ill mumble 'you look really pretty' she pretends she didnt hear me but i know she did because shes always blushing and smiling.

see whenever shes calling me pretty she wont mumble it, she wants everyone to know how beautiful she thinks you are, and by everyone and me and joel.

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