you do it to yourself | bella x reader

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warnings: arguing, crying reader, crying bella, happy ending

summary: bella wanted to hang out with friends but theres a specific girl whos going to be there that you dont like and suspects likes bella.


me and bella are lying in bed, im scrolling through instagram reels, bella doing the same next to me.
"hey baby?" i hear bella say. "mhm?" i hum, not looking away from my phone until a few seconds later.

"kiki just texted me saying that them and amybeth are going somewhere with a few other people and they invited me and i was wondering if it would be okay if i went." they ask, over explaining.

"of course, why are you asking me?" i ask. "i dunno." they say returning back to their phone. "wait who else is going?" i ask. "lollie, milena-" they start to say but i cut them off.

"No." i say annoyed by her name. "what?" they ask confused. "No" i say again. "what do you mean no??"

"I said no. drop it" i say again, standing up and walking to the bathroom.

bellas pov:

i am so confused.

i get up, tossing my unlocked phone on the bed. walking to the bathroom. i know she wasn't actually using it. she always goes in there when shes mad because theres no where else for her to go.

"y/n?" i ask knocking on the door. no response. "y/n i know your in there." i say again.

"what do you want bella" she says annoyed. i felt my heart sting and my throat tense up as if im holding in my tears, and if i open my mouth theyll spill out.

"are you okay?"

"No bella! why the fuck would i be okay???" she yells through the door

"i dont know.."

y/ns pov:

I didnt mean to get mad at bella, i love them. i just hate milena so much. i put my face in my hands.

"y/n why are you even jealous?? she doesnt like me like tha-"

"then why does she always sit next to you, always touch you, always laugh at your jokes, always smile at you??" i yell.

"im sorry y/n please dont get mad" they say softly.
"i mean why would you even ask after how much talk about not wanting you around her" i yell.

i hear soft cries outside the door. my heart drops, i stand up quickly and unlock the door, opening it to see bella standing there silently. a tear runs down their face.

without any hesitations i take a step forward and wrap my arms around bellas neck, hugging them gently but also tightly as if they were going to run away from me.

their arms wrap around my torso tightly. we stand in thr dark hallway for a while. soaking in eachothers embrace. "im sorry bella.." i mumble resting my head on their chest and sliding my arms down.

"its fine." they say softly. "no its not."

me and bella sit on the bed, talking about the situation and why i did what i did.

"i dont like her just because you know? like theres reasons." i say.

"i understand"

"its just the way she looks at you and the way she talks to you different than anyone else.." i say.

"and how she touches you then excuses it with 'only being friends'"

"i see." "i wont hangout with them when melinas there anymore. alright?" they say, putting their hand on my thigh in reassurance. "mhm" i hum, kissing their lips softly. they kiss back, placing the hand that was on my thigh on the back on my neck.

we pull away.

"i love you bella. im sorry for getting mad at you." i say as we create a distance between our lips.

"its okay baby, i understand. i love you too y/n" they smile softly causing me to smile and kiss them again.
a little more roughly.

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