my love mine all mine | bella x reader ichc pt 2

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part 2 to i can't handle change

CW: finding out bella didnt actually cheat, short makeout scene

Song: my love mine all mine

sorry guys this is like only 950 words but its good. (i hope) anyways enjoyyy


its about a week later since the three month streak, i still love them but not so much in a romantic way and just a friend way. well now that im thinking about it me and bella arent really friends anymore. which is horrible to say but its true.

my friend was hosting a party and invited me, not a themed party just a silly get together, i was thinking about going but im not sure. im sitting on my bed in my apartment scrolling through Pinterest and depop, debating whether i should go.

i decided to go

im in the kitchen at the party, music its playing almost to the point where im about to cover ears. "hey y/n? you gonna come play this game?" my friend samatha asks. game? what are we at a 4th grade girls slumber party?

"No thank you, you know its really loud i think im gonna head out.." i say.

"Oh okay! well it was nice seeing you babe" they say pulling me into a hug. im not really a hugger but shes a really close friend so i hug them back.

"bye sam, love you" i say walking out the kitchen, passing a hallway which im pulled in to. "what the fuck!" i yell meeting face to face with the person.


its almost like the person had a comforting aura, one that ive felt before. before i look at them clearly i notice why i felt that way.


i felt a mix of emotions, sadness, anger, relief?, scared. "y/n." the person says to me. "bella? why are you here?" i ask. "i came here with my friend, she is friends with samatha. i saw you and i need to talk to you."

what? why would i care? why do i care?

"bella please let me go." they hold their hands on my forearms, my hands holding onto their shoulders.

"y/n i was lying. i felt like i couldnt talk clearly about my feelings and i took it out on you. marie, she just didnt feel right. it didnt feel like how i was used to.
y/n, i still love you. im sorry if i made you feel like shit. and if you hate me i totally understand. i need you y/n. i genuinely cannot live life without you and over the past 4 months i've realized that.

i love you y/n"

i stand there shocked. "bella i cant.." their words that day replaying in my head

'i dont love you anymore y/n."
'i love you y/n'

two different sentences from the same person, different times and different seasons. i know i shouldnt do this. but i still love bella. not as a friend

as a partner. i fucking love them. i said i didnt but deep down i did.

"bella please i cant." i say, tears forming in my eyes.

"its okay y/n take your time, i understand." they look me in the eyes, their beautiful, beautiful, brown eyes. my goodness. i get lost in them. their dark brown hair with soft curls slightly hanging below their shoulders.

their white button up tucked into their black jeans with their doc martins. looking into my eyes.

without any hesitation i lean up and kiss them. Jesus, this feeling is crazy. i havent felt this in a long time. they kiss back, i smile softly against their lips. our headsmoving in shnc as we makeout in the hallway, i pull away to ask bella something.

"wait your not dating ma-" "No" they reply softly, kissing me again gently, placing her hands on my waist.

i wrap my arms around their neck. tasting the faint flavor of their chapstick. their soft scent of cologne making butterflies swarm in my stomach.

we pull away, i softly smile at them.

"so are we good?" i ask.

"of course"

i felt like im rushing it, but me and bella have been friends since we were 14. theres not many things to rush. it was like a break. bella realized they weren't capable of living properly without me and i also realized the same.

4 months later

me and bella started dating again around 2 months ago. we talked things through and through and we agreed we still have major feelings for eachother.

as im walking down the our old apartments hallway which we rebought of course, the flowers on the hallway table were fully alive.

i enter our room, bella on our bed playing with their dog, their back facing me. i sneek up on them, wrapping my arms around them. resting the side of my face on their shoulder. facing their side profile. i place a soft kiss on their neck. they giggle and pull me on the bed.

"what?" i say as they stare at me. "nothing just admiring whats mine" they say smirking softly.
"oh shut up" i say playfully hitting them on the shoulder.

"your hitting your partner? oh my god your gonna get cancelled." they say dramatically. "okay now you can really shut up." i say placing my finger over their lips. "shush shshsh"

"the fans are not liking you silenlencing your partner" they say.

"when your fans actually care about you" i say making a 'yikes' face. "are you implying i dont care about you? hm?" they say.

"i dont know am i?"

i missed bella. i really did. clearly they felt the same way and i feel like people would hate me for forgiving them that easily. but honestly i dont really care.
i have my bella back.

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