what they call you/what you call them

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- darling, their british accent makes it 1000 times better.
- y/nnnn
- Bells
- not necessarily a name but whenever you guys havent seen eachother in a while you run up too them and say "bella where the hell have you been you loca"
- baby
- love

- pretty girl
- momma
- kels
- emo (as a joke she liked it when you call her that its funny too her)

Ellie (season 1&2)
- your nickname
- baby
- she doesnt really call you alot of things hut i think you can tell which one is season 1 and season 2 ellie

season 1
- space girl
- els
- you guys have been dating since 14 so sometimes you call eachother beautiful or pretty
season 2
- baby

- your nickname

- pretty

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