if they did something that made you uncomfortable

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- they do no wrong so it didnt happen
- jk
- they kept trailing their hands down to your ass, it didn't necessarily make you uncomfortable you just didnt want that type of touch at that moment
- asking whats wrong
- "baby im so sorry"
- reassures you that they wont do it again
- you literally accepted their apology the first go.. they apologized like 10 times

- she kept asking for sex
- she was on her period and her hormones made her reallyyy horny + cant take no for an answer
- "baby just rlly quick"
- "im not in the mood rn."
- "fine"
- she sits there and pouts.
- "kelsey stop pouting. if your that horny go masterbate or something"
- "and where would i do that at?"
- "the bathroom? the utility room? do it in here for all i care just stop. your making me feel extremely uncomfortable right now."
- looks at you for a moment, "im sorry y/n.."
- "its fine" "no its im sorry i should have took no for an answer pls forgive me baby."
- "its okay babe. i swear."

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