
399 9 2

warnings: nothing just fluff
backstory: yall got out of prison like 7 months ago

your pov:

"okay just one more" i say, "fine" kelsey sighs out.
i place another kiss on her lips, she tries too hide her smile after i pull away.

i quickly kiss her again but this time on the corner of her mouth i try too run away but she grabs my waist and pulls me back down onto her lap. "hey!" she says softly.

"alright now i have to get you back" she says while letting out a small "hmm" at the end of her sentence.

she throws me on the bed and starts tickling me. "kelsey!" i say. "hmm?" she says as she tickles the most ticklish part of my body. i start too laugh really hard trying too catch my breath.

she stops tickling and moves onto the bed. "you done?" i ask out of breath. "hmm maybe" she says and attachs her hands onto my waist.

she sits down against the headboard and pulls me onto her lap, reattaching her hands but now on my hips. i kiss her then i pull away leaving a small gap then i kiss her again, and i continue to do that for about 7 seconds.

after we pull away she smiles. "i love you" she says and i return an "i love you more" starting another playful agurement about who loves eachother more.

i know kelseys probably like really mean but she definitely gets all soft when shes around her girlfriend

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