Sex with kelsey | HC

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In prison:

- as much as she wants to be loud you quite literally cannot

- you mostly do it on her bed because on her bed you can't see what's happening through the door even if you try

- sometimes she has to cover your mouth because you moan to loud, its not like she's complaining though that just means she's doing good.

- since you obviously don't have a strap you have like three things you can do, makeout, kelsey eats you out or fingers you. Which can get rather boring. You guys tried to scissor once but she kept laughing so you stopped. So your stuck with three things and one isn't even considered sex.

- she also lets you grind on her when you two are making out so actually 4

- she can't do much aftercare but she always makes sure your okay and gives you kisses

Out of prison:

- lets you be as loud as you want

- teases you so much to the point you start crying out of sexual frustration, once you start crying she immediately stops and gives you what you want bc she loves u

- petnames. petnames. petnames. she loves petnames, she loves when you call her mommy but ngl she'd definitely rather be called daddy.

- it's 8 inches 🫢

- she still covers your mouth but that's only for kinks

- she loves hearing you moan her name, during aftercare she'll imatate you as a joke. you do it back

- sometimes she'll finger you but then also try to kiss you to see how hard it is for you to kiss back. Like i said she loves teasing you so much

- she gives the best head in the whole world. Its like actually amazing, sometimes looks up at you to see how you look. the amount of times she's caught you looking directly at her is crazy

- her aftercare is amazing, sometimes she'll shower with you and wash your hair, you also wash her hair because aftercare is mutual. she'll get you dressed in her clothes and cuddle you all night. She loves you sooooooooooooo much

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