not ready | kelsey x reader

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summary: kelsey and y/n were about to have sex but then y/n decides shes not ready.


Kelsey softly pushes me on the bed, i moan as she kisses me. she trails the kisses down my neck. my hand attaches to her hair. straching her head in a way of telling her how good shes doing. she leaves hickeys on my sweet spots.

me and kelsey have never really gotten intimate, we only have ever made out, i mean shes seen me naked before and ive seen her naked before. we just never really had sex.

kelsey has had sex multiple times, but only with one person, her ex boyfriend, kerrin. im still a virgin but i dont know if im ready for that yet.

i feel kelseys hands go down to my jean button. "baby? can i take these off?" she asks. "yeah" i say, not thinking in the moment of what she's going to wanna do.

she pulls my jeans down. "so fucking gorgeous" she says, admiring my bare thighs and my clothed vagina.

she places her two middle fingers on my pussy. rubbing it in circles. "wait.." i say, "whats wrong?" she says, stopping everything shes doing. placing her hands on my hips. "i dont think im ready for this yet.." i say. "thats okay," she smiles softly. she reaches her hand up, tucking a peice of my hair behind my ear. "can i ask why?" she asks softly.

"i dont know, its just not something i want to do right this second. im just not really in that type of mood right now." i say, making eye contact. "alright, are you okay though?" she asks.

"yeah." i reply. "you sure?" she asks again. "mhm" i reply. "alright." she smiles.

she puts more comfortable clothes on me and im now laying ontop of her, the side of my head resting on her chest. "i love you" she says softly. "i love you too" i reply back gently.

"um kelsey." i say sitting up. "whats wrong?" she asks.

"so ive been thinking and i was wondering if you want to like, you know.." i trail off. "really?" her face lights up. "yeah" i smile.

"yes of course i do." she smiles back at me

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