really really goofy ass smutshot

426 3 5

based of my accoucement read or dont read idc but its gonna be funny asf

not an x reader im sorry

adam x kelsey ☠️☠️

this is not well written sorry i only take my time writing lesbian smut


adam plays with the fabric on kelseys panties, teasing her. "stop teasing me adam" she complains.

he sticks his hand down his pants and pulls out his dick. kelsey not knowing how much shes about to take considering shes looking at the ceiling.

he slides it in gently, "can you feel it?" he asks. "No.." she replies. "Oh."

he pushes it in further, well the farthest it can go.

he attempts to thrust into her, he 'thrusts' into her for a bit.

"are you about to cum?"

"wait you put it in.?" she asks. "are you serious?"

"yeah.." she replies. "thats it." he puts his boxers and shirt back on. kelsey giggles.

"dont fucking laugh!" he says. "im going to my house"

"okay.." she says chuckling.



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