unready | bella x reader

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warnings: making out, NO SMUT!!!!


i hold ethier side of bellas face as our lips move in sync. i pull away for air and immediately come back for more. tilting my head to the opposite side of where i was just at.

bella pulls on the hem of my shirt. wanting me to take it off in which i do, not thinking anything of it. "pretty girl." they whisper against my lips. my back arches a tad bit, still holding either side of their face, their hand goes up to my neck, holding it softly by the side. their other hand resting on the back of my thigh.

they slowly slip their hands down my back. stopping at my bra clasp. fiddling with it and unhooking it. i suddenly pull away, my heart drops. "bella wait-" i say and they quickly grab the two separated bands and hold them together with one hand so my bra wont fall off. "im sorry i shouldve asked-" they say. "no its fine.. it just caught me off guard thats all." they clasp the bra back together.

"im sorry y/n." they apologize, once again. "its okay. im just not ready for that yet.." i explain.

"thats okay. that's perfectly fine baby." they say, running their hands up and down my waist. "im sorry its just im just not in the mood for that right now im sorry b-" i say, they cut me off. "hey.. its okay baby, alright?" they put my shirt back on. "your okay" they say.

"do you wanna cuddle instead?" they ask. i nod my head yes. "alright." they say. adjusting our position, lying down with me ontop of them, my legs almost fully wrapped around their waist. their hands on the back of my thighs again. my face going into their neck.

"i love you" they whisper.

it may seem like bella babies me alot. but their just protective and wanna make sure im always comfortable and safe. one of my favorite things to do is cuddle with them. so of course i accepted the offer.

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