kelsey x reader fluff

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i woke up around 4am on accident and i cant go back to sleep. kelseys lying ontop of me with her head rested on my chest. i softly stroke her head, combing my fingers through her black hair, secspifically playing with the blonde streak.

she moves around, putting her face down in my chest.
"baby" she whines. "hm?" i ask. "that tickled" she whined softly again. "your such a baby.. i can't believe i met you in prison" i say softly, gently stratching her head.
"why arent you asleep?" she groans.

"because i woke up." i say softly. she rolls off of me, sitting up. "hm?" i say also sitting up. "now i wont be able to sleep." she says, we go silent for a bit. "your so pretty.." kelsey randomly says. "baby you cant even see me." i say.

"but ive seen you before and your hot." she says empathizing on the word "hot".

"whateverr" i say. collapsing onto her, resting the side of my face on her shoulder. she lays down. i put around her, my arms around her neck.

"look whos the baby now." she says softly, her british accent enough to make me cu- blush.. yes! blush.

"kelseyyy" i groan into her neck. "y/nnnn" she says placing her hands on my hips. i sit up now straddling her. i lean forward placing my hands on the sides of her face and kissing her lips repeatedly. her hands trail down to my ass. i pull away and look at her. "kelsey." i try to look serious and she pulls her hands away followed by a "sorry!" i giggle at her words and kiss her again.

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