midnight | bella x reader

314 8 2

warnings: kissing

she/they pronouns used on bella

its 2am and bella cant sleep, shes super jet lagged.
weve been watching a show for around 2 hours. bella started getting very clingy and that usually means shes getting tired.

bellas basically the boyfriend in the relationship. but once she gets tired it switches. bellas lying on me, their head rested between my chest and neck.

i feel soft, repetitive kisses on my neck. i run my hand up and down bellas back, soothing them to sleep. "y/n i cant sleep.." they whine. "just close your eyes baby." i say softly. they lean up and kiss my lips softly. i return the kiss. they pull away and shove their face back into my neck.

i shut off the tv, removing any distractions that may disturb bella from trying to sleep. "i love you" i whisper. "i love you too" she says.

its now 3am and bella is still not asleep. "baby i cant.." they say. annoyed at the fact they cant sleep.

"im sorry babe." i say softly. "man i just wanna sleep" they say, "im gonna fall asleep at 6am then sleep till noon i just wanna sleep i dont wanna wake up at 12pm" they complain. "baby its okay, ill wake you up okay?" i run my fingers through their hair. in attempt to make them fall asleep.

its now 4am. bellas almost asleep. ive been running my fingers through their hair for an hour. their head is resting on my chest and their arms are around my ripcage.

as soon as i know it, i hear soft snores coming from bella. i very carefully sit up to turn the lamp off and i hear bella breath in and look over to see them rubbing their eyes. "no bella go back to sleep baby" i say, they immediately go back to sleep.

i lay back down in the bed, as im lying on my side bella scoots over to me and places their face on my chest. wrapping their arms around my waist once again.

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