Y/n Exiled!

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You had soon returned back to Kamodo's office after beating the Great and Powerful Noble Lord Avalugg but as soon as you walked in Kamodo Punched you in the face.

Y/n: What the hell!?

Kamado: You did this!

Y/n: Huh?

Kadmodo: Don't you Huh me, you did this. I know for A Fact you did cause this. It All Makes sense You fell from the Portal and the Pokémon didn't go all Frenzy until you showed up.

Y/n: That's stupid!

Kamodo: Don't you cover up your Lies! I now Exile you from this Village!

Y/n: WHAT!?

Kamodo: Cyllene escort him out!

Y/n: Cyllene!?

Cyllene: ...

Y/n: Akari? Professor?

Akari/Laventon: ...

Y/n: Irida? Adaman?

Irida/Adaman: ...

Y/n: Really? After all We've been through? This is it? You Backstabbing Liars. I only have one thing to say to all of you.

You then Marched out with Cyllene chasing after you.

Cyllene: Y/n.

Y/n: What Backstabber what!?

Cyllene: Don't die out there. That's an Order.

Y/n: Thanks, I Guess.


You were sitting on A Rock contemplating your choices when soon You felt A Hand on your shoulder.

Y/n: Huh?

Volo: Having trouble Y/n?

Y/n: Huh? Volo?

Volo: That's my Name don't wear it out. Now you need any Help?

Y/n: Why would you help me?

Volo: I serve no Clan and You are my Friend.

Y/n: Thanks. Look I need to tell you A Secret.

Volo: Yes?

Y/n: Look... (Sigh) I am actually A Human God from the Future and I had been sent back in time to Prevent the world from Falling apart.


Y/n: Yes I am.

Volo: I Must take you to my Grandmother. She'll know what's going on.

Y/n: Good Maybe she knows A Few things.

Soon Volo had Taken you to A Small Travelling Hut where A Real GILF Was waiting for you.

Cogita: Oh Hello Volo and You Must be Y/n. I knew this would Happen.

Mistress Cogita (She is Volo's Grandmother and has A Super strong resemblance to Cynthia/ She knows more about Hisui than anyone else)

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Mistress Cogita (She is Volo's Grandmother and has A Super strong resemblance to Cynthia/ She knows more about Hisui than anyone else)

Y/n: Okay Mistress Cogita But how did you know?

Cogita: This was all A Part of Legend Y/n. Legend said you could come here. A Great Godly warrior would stop the end of the world. Let me explain.

One Massive Lore Dump Later...

Y/n: Wow, That's A Lot.

Cogita: Yes, You Have to stop Dialga and Palkia before they destroy the world. You should head to the top of Mt. Coronet.

Y/n: Yes Ma'am! Volo you coming?

Volo: I'm sorry but I prefer not to get into this. I wish you Luck though.

Y/n: Thanks, I'm going to save the world.

You then Instantly Transmitted to the top of the Mountain prepared to finally end this.

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