Soon The Three of you had to take your Mission to China and the Area was A Poorer area filled with A Bunch of Restaurants and Trucks with Fridges tied to the back.
Y/n: Eat dirt Commie supporting Scum!! Hahahahahaha!!
Eri: How Many times Are you going to say Eat dirt?
Y/n: As Many times as, I want!
Fio: Watch out!
Suddenly you were all Shooting A Bunch of enemy Soldiers you were all destroying A Bunch of Buildings and even the Fridges as A Bunch of Food Like Bao Buns and Grilled Meat were falling all over the three of you.
Y/n: Oh Meat! I can sure use this! You Guys want some?
Fio was stuffing some Bao Buns in her Mouth as she smiled.
Fio: We're good!
And Eri was eating Some Grilled meat as she smiled.
Eri: Damn this is Good! Keep shooting we need more!
Fio: You're right! More Bao Buns!
You all kept running through the Town destroying everything in sight as soon you had gotten ahead of the two girls.
Y/n: Huh? Why am I so far ahead? Girls where are you?
Fio: We're... Huff... Coming...
Eri: Yeah... All of that food... Huff... Sure adds up...
Y/n: How did you two get so Fat!?
They both then bitch slapped you.
Y/n: Sorry, I forgot you shouldn't call A Woman Fat...
Eri: That's Damn right.
Fio: How come you didn't put on any weight? You ate more than either of us!
Y/n: I can control My Metabolism. You learn that after A While. WATCH OUT!
You then Jumped out of the Way as Both girls were blasted with Bullets, but their Fat actually acted like Armor which Just absorbed all of the Bullets doing nothing to them. In Fact, it made them far slower but made them Far tougher.
Y/n: Okay That's Actually Useful.
Eri: Hahahahahahaha! Oh Geez, make it stop that Actually Tickles!
Fio: Hahahahahaha! I Know right? Those Bullets Just feel like A Nice Massage!
Y/n: I think I'll Let you two Take the Lead.
Soon all Three of you had continued Blasting through the entire Place Pretty much destroying everything in your Path as soon you all came across A Bus which Morphed into A Battle Platform, and you then Grabbed A RPG Launcher!
Y/n: Fire in the Hole!
You all then Began Blasting the Bus Platform as the soldiers Began trying to shoot back but soon the Bus Blew up and you all continued to Move Foward.
Soon you all Ended up in A Dried-up River where there were Multiple Wooden Boats filled with Multiple Soldiers Trying to shoot at all of you until...
Y/n: Fire Fist!!
You then Proceeded to destroy all of the ships Blocking your way!
Eri: Okay now that was Badass!
Fio: Yeah!
Y/n: Just Keep Moving, we don't have time!
Soon you all Ended up in A Muddy Area where the river once Flowed and soon You ended up being chased by an ATV and being shot at with A Mini Gun and Eri and Fio then Began to shoot the ATV and it Blew up along with anything else that Tried to attack all of you in the Mud.
Y/n: Quick Get in the Tank!
Soon all of you got into A Tank and then You all then Began running down A Huge hill destroying Soldiers, Tanks, Planes, Paratroopers, and even Buildings in your Path as soon you all ended up next to A Dried-up Lake where suddenly A Massive Battleship on wheels appeared!
Y/n: Oh, you got to be Kidding me!
Eri: Nope, they really fucking did it.
Fio: Geez, Move, will you? I can't see past your Fat!
Eri: Shut up, you ate more than me!
Y/n: Not the time! We have A Giant Ass Battleship on Monster Truck wheels!
Soon the Battleship Began following all of you as you all Began firing attacks on it and the ship Began firing back with energy Blasts which began to destroy the rocks around you as you all kept firing! Suddenly the Ship Opened up revealing A Massive Flak cannon!
Eri/Fio: Oh, Crap baskets!
Y/n: Oh, you say that too? Fine then! Kaioken!! Santoryu: Beast Breathing secret Technique: Billion-Fold World: Trichiliocosm Fang!!!
You then sliced the Ship right down the Middle as it then Blew up in A Massive explosion!
Y/n: Arrivederci, Monster Ship.
Fio: Oh My God that was so Freaking cool!!
Eri: Yeah! Hopefully we can Lose all of this weight before our Next Point.
Y/n: Aww, I think you Both Look cute. Like A Couple of Cute Piggies~!
They both then slapped you again.
Y/n: Ow! I was trying to be Positive! Sheesh!
The Ultimate Shonen Jump Hero (Book 8)
FanfictionWell, I, Y/n L/n, Am Back and I have Plenty of New Adventurers and Plenty of new Girls to add to the Harem, and of course, some new Evil Plans to Foil! So Got to take A Read Will ya?