Another Reincarnation!

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We Open up at Night inside the Mansion where Team RWBY and Team JNPR Were hanging out in the Living room Just Playing Games.

Weiss: I don't understand why we're Playing this Game. This is totally Asinine.

Ruby: Well Weiss in one turn You're about to win...

Weiss then suddenly got slightly evil.


Blake: Here I had conquered your whole army and I win.

Weiss then Began getting sad.

Weiss: Oh, I Hate this Game of emotions we always Play!

Ruby then Hugged her.

Ruby: Don't worry Weiss We'll get through this Together!

Weiss then Hugged back.

Weiss: Shut up! Don't hug me!

Nora: I wonder where Yang is? She's been gone all Night.

Rin: She's Probably drinking at the 7th Heaven Bar or something. She couldn't go back to the Old one ever since she burnt it down.

Nora: Hey In her Defense she didn't bring the Flamethrower!

Just then there was A Ring at the doorbell and Pyrrha Opened it up to reveal A Kid.

Just then there was A Ring at the doorbell and Pyrrha Opened it up to reveal A Kid

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Oscar Pine

Pyrrha: Hello?

Oscar: Y-Yes, Is this the House of Yang Xaio Long.

Nora: Who wants to know?

Oscar: U-Um...

Yang then Just began drunkenly stumbling in.

Yang: Hahahaha! Good one Oscar not the grouch! Oh I swear this Kid is Hilarious!

Ruby: Yang were you drinking again?

Yang: No Officer, I was Just having A Bottle of wine with my Girlfriend, She's A Neko! Thanks for Taking me here Oscar!

Oscar: N-No It's Okay...

Yang: Jebus You Need to start taking more Credit for yourself Just walk right in, come on.

She then dragged Oscar in and sat him down on A Couch as you walked in.

Y/n: Yang did you get drunk Again?

Yang: No Officer I was-

Blake: A Bottle of Wine with your Girlfriend, she's A Neko we know.

Yang: No, No... I was... Bowling with some Friends...

Jeanne: We're your friends.

Yang: Some other Friends, you don't know them.

Y/n: Ah, Geez.

You then Looked at Oscar and Noticed that he had Ozpin's Staff.

Y/n: Huh?

Oscar: W-What?

Y/n: That Staff... That's Ozpin's.

Oscar: Y-You mean that dead Teacher?

Weiss: Hey Yeah it is. How did you get that?

Oscar: I-I don't know... I Just found it...

Y/n: I feel some Unique Spirit energy. Wait A Second... You're A Reincarnation!

Oscar: I-I don't know what that even Is, I swear!

But Just then his Aura began to shift and Change as suddenly another Personality.

???: Hahahahaha! Hello Students!

Everyone: Ozpin!?

Ozpin: That's Right, Now do You have any Coffee Becuase-

Y/n: OZPIN!!

Ozpin: Oh Crap!

You then suddenly Pinned him to A Wall as you were Pissed!

Y/n: You pathetic son of A Bitch! You Literally could have saved everyone but no You sent children to fight for you and your Battles, and then now you chickened out to avoid being persecuted by your Ex!

Ozpin: N-Now Calm down It's not what you think I-!

Y/n: Shut up Asshole! It's almost like you were some kind of Childish war criminal who Pushed all their problems on their child!

Nora: That can make A Good Twist in A Show!

Y/n: Zip It Nora!

Ozpin: Now Y/n Look, you wouldn't Hurt me right? I'm in this Body!

You then Used Spirit Fission to Pull Ozpin's soul out of his Body, and then...


You then Began strangling him before shoving him back into his Body.

Ozpin: Fine then I'll Go. Geez Louise I'm sorry!

Y/n: Sorry Won't fix the Shit You've done!

Ozpin: Okay then, I'll go. Just Take care of Oscar Please.

He then turned back to Oscar.

Oscar: W-Why am I Being pinned to the wall?

Everyone: ...

Ruby: Wow.

Blake: I know right?

Y/n: I think we need to Train him.

Oscar: Train me for what, Exactly?

Meanwhile in Atlas...

Salem: Hmmm, Yes Oz You had finally Returned. You're going to Pay for your Sins.

A/n: Remember Salem? You we haven't seen her in forever I know

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A/n: Remember Salem? You we haven't seen her in forever I know

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