Slime Pillow!

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We Open up in Rimuru's Office where you were helping her with Paperwork because of some random reason I don't want to explain.

Y/n: Wow, A Lot of Paperwork huh?

Rimuru was Just in her slime form as she smiled.

Rimuru: Yeah, Milim had been beating up A Bunch of People.

Y/n: Did they steal her food?

Rimuru: A Few Yes.

Y/n: Checks out.

Just then the door Opened as Shion and Shuna walked in.

Shion/Shuna: Hi Rimuru!

Just then Shion Grabbed her and Began Hugging her.

Shion: Oh, Lady Rimuru You're so Soft~

Shuna: Hey what about me?

Shion: Oh, I'm sorry but I'm her second in command so It's a Personal duty to do this myself, not for anyone else~

Shuna then snatched her from Shion.

Shuna: Oh, I'm sorry but that's not A Thing~

Shion then snatched her back.

Shion: Well, it is~

Shuna then snatched her back again and then did Shion and this whole Process went on again and again and again as soon they Began stretching, Pulling, and squeezing Rimuru as she was about to Snap!


Y/n: Oh for crying out Loud! Gear 2!! Gum Gum Jet Ax of Pain!!

You then shot your Leg through the roof and you slammed your foot into both girls as it stopped their fighting as they were left on the ground Just in defeat while the room was somewhat trashed. Also Rimuru was on the floor stretched out and flattened.

Y/n: Rimuru are you Okay?



Rimuru then Began Inflating herself to be A Giant Pillow as you all Hugged her smiling.

Shion: Ah, this feels Nice~

Shuna: Like the worlds softest Pillo~

Y/n: Yeah~

Rimuru: Now this is something I can get Behind~

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