Taking the Witch-Turned Queen Back Home! / Ice Cream Mob Boss!

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Soon After you had Reverted Salem Back into Being A Human, Cinder had seen the writing on the Wall and quickly retreated along with Emerald and Mercury to Places Unknown, as you had Rescued Oscar

You had soon Taken Salem Back Home and she pretty Much Was very Apologetic about everything she had ever done.

Salem: I am so sorry everyone, I didn't mean to do any of that. My Mind was As Tainted as the rest of my Body. Please forgive me for everything I had ever done.

Team RWBY/JNPR/Penny: Um... No, It's Okay.../ Yeah, it's fine I suppose.../ It's Okay... I guess...

Y/n: See? She's not all Bad. It's Just that Infection messing with her Mind. It's all Okay Salem.

Salem: (Blushing) No It's Fine. Thank you so Much Y/n, for Taking A Chance on me.

Y/n: No, It's Okay I Just see An Opportunity to redeem someone, and I did. You can't redeem everyone, but you were one of those, Salem, and I glad I took that Chance.

Salem: (Blushing) O-Oh Thanks...

Ruby: So, What's Happening with Oscar?

Y/n: Oh, Mom Is giving my New Little Brother the Family Treatment.

Meanwhile In the Kitchen...

Kinue: Here you go Oscar, I made you some Chocolate Cake~!

Oscar: Oh, Thank you Ms. L/n... This is Clearly too Much...

Kinue: Oh, don't be Like that and please call me Mom!

Oscar: O-Okay Mom...

Kinue: Perfect! Oh My Cookies are done!

Oscar: Yay... (Thoughts) is this what Having my mom is Like? I-It feels Nice...

Meanwhile in New Tokyo's Red-light district...

A Gang was Operating within New Tokyo's Borders as soon A Man was In A Room as the door Was Locked and he was nervous.

Man: M-Ma'am, I promise You That I hadn't backstabbed you! I am not named Franky the Squealer for Some Reason! Like that's A Thing! Also, I heard your old Master Died in A Freak accident during A Fight! There I said it!

The Woman then Pulled out A Sign.

???: "Ice Him!"


Suddenly her brains were Blown out behind A Door as Blood and Grey Matter splattered against the door visible behind the darkly tinted window.

Gangster: So, Master Neo, anything you need to do?

The Ice-creamed Haired woman then smiled as she Pulled out another Sign.

Neo "I need to "Take care" Of some People in the Chinese Sea. They're stealing my Shit and I can't let that Happen.

Neo Neapolitan (She is A Gangster girl who served under the Great Roman Torchwick who unfortunately died when they were fighting/ She had Taken over his Operations and had become A Ruthless Gangster Mob Boss/ She is A Mute only ever Communicating ...

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Neo Neapolitan (She is A Gangster girl who served under the Great Roman Torchwick who unfortunately died when they were fighting/ She had Taken over his Operations and had become A Ruthless Gangster Mob Boss/ She is A Mute only ever Communicating through Signs/ She is Super Kawaii)

She then Put on A Bowler Hat as she Just smiled, Like that Guy from A Clockwork Orange.

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