My Date with Kagome and Sango!

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You soon took the School girl and Boomerang Wielding Samurai girl back home, and then you had Begun to introduce Sango to the Modern world since there are about 500 years in the Future.

Sango: What is this strange box? There are Tiny People inside.

She was Looking at A TV.

Y/n: Hey don't get so close, you can hurt your eyes.

Sango: Huh? Is it using some Black Magic? I'll destroy it!

She was about to hit it with her Boomerang, but you stopped her!

Y/n: Woah calm down! It's Just A TV! It Uses Electric Waves to Transfer A Scrambled Image across the world and into this Little Box.

Sango: Wow, really? Then how-?

Y/n: Science.

Sango: But how?

Y/n: Science.

Sango: But-?

Y/n: Everything is Science Sango.

Sango: Oh, okay then.

Y/n: Why don't I make you something to eat?


Y/n: Okay girls I had made some Nachos!

Kagome: Yay! I Love your Nachos!

Sango: Wait, what are Nachos?

Y/n: Uh How can I put it? It's Corn In the shape of Chips, Melted cheese, and Blended Vegetables.

Sango: Oh That sounds Good.

She then took A Chip and Began to take A Bite and she smiled.

Sango: This actually Tastes Good!

Kagome: I Know right? Y/n's Cooking is the best!

Y/n: (Blushing) Well... I don't know about that really...

Sango and Kagome then Both Kissed you on the each of the cheek smiling.

Y/n: (Blushing) Aww, Thank girls...

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