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Sleep eluded Sameer that night. It had been a day of surprises and discoveries. Right from the morning when they had left for the movie till they said good night to each other a couple of hours back, he had gone through a roller coaster ride of emotions... her closeness in the theater, her surrender to his demand for the similar blouse, his knowledge of her measurements, her acceptance of his curiosity and discovery about herself, her comfort with him... everything had fueled his longing... each cell of his body craved for Naina.

His Naina... innocent Naina... he had no idea how to express what he was feeling. She was too naive to see it in his eyes. She had become more receptive and bolder but was not even aware of the other levels. Her ignorant mind gave in to whatever he asked but that only heightened his desire. At times he felt something in her eyes... but it was not possible... she would have no means to enhance her knowledge... and she had not asked anything from him... he was sure those moments were only her confusion regarding her own feelings and reaction. She was still the same clueless girl... only more open to him now.

He was amazed when she stood before him without dupatta. There had been times previously when she was conscious... she had wanted to run back home in Ahmedabad, when they met on her terrace and she realised her dupatta was missing. Not today... she had not even turned her back to him, standing comfortably in a kurta that hugged her at all the right places, showing off more neck than he had seen before. His eyes had moved down for a moment... lingering at her curves... before he forced himself to look up again.

Sighing, he sat down heavily on the bed, holding her dupatta close to his face. He had to keep himself in check. She belonged to him... but he had to wait...

Of course he would tell her... tell her about his desires and fantasies but only when she was ready... he would tell her all she needed to know to make their relationship complete...

He knew the boundaries that he could not cross till she was officially his wife... and he respected those boundaries... ready to wait for her... but he still wanted a little more. And there was no way he could tell her. Inhaling her fragrance from the dupatta, he fell back.

Naina had seen the change in him the moment he had come to the ground. He was tensed. He was lost. During the day,  she had seen him trying to take a look at the paper she was giving to the tailor. And she knew... it won't be long before he tried to check it out himself. When he pulled the trick of losing bike keys, she waited patiently for him to come back from the tailor. Someday she would ask him how he tricked the tailor into showing him the paper.

His eyes had changed after that. That was the reason she had worn a suit for the evening...  covering herself with the dupatta... her own heart threatening to jump out of the chest at his burning gaze.

She could feel his coiled muscles as she had leaned on him. And when he had confessed to seeing her measurements, she had loved him even more... if it was even possible.

When he had held her waist between his palms, she had felt her insides flare up. His hands on her waist was something she had become used to but today, armed with the knowledge of her size, he had rubbed his fingers in such a manner that the heat in her veins had turned to molten lava.

And then the dupatta...

It wanted to be with Sameer too...

Standing in front of him without one was something she could have never dreamt of... yet she felt no need to cover herself. Not even when his eyes dropped down from her face, moving lower... though, only for a few moments.

She melted into a puddle, burnt to ashes, blew up in smoke... as his eyes stopped at certain places on her body.

Sighing, she sat heavily on the bed, wondering when she could tell him that she understood his desires... and had been burning in hers.

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