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"I do not believe in such a thing like soulmates, it's kind of weird if you think it's already written you're supposed to love someone just because" I said while looking into the camera man in front of me when I answered one of the reporters' question during our conference.
Meanwhile, seven pair of eyes were giving me a look I couldn't identify very well... disappointing? anger? sadness?

I had no time to think about it when this old lady standed up in the middle of the conference room while raising her hand. This is not normal due the fact the reporters wait for their turn to ask a question. This is not a good sign and all of us know it.

Namjoon, our leader, takes his mic and says through it: "Yes, Miss, your question". Maybe he felt the same pressure as I did, so that's why he let this weird woman say her question. He is more patient and professional than I could ever be, he will handle it better.

"My question is for Adora (*). Through the social media, you uploaded a questionable picture of you and one male while you were hugging each other, he was kissing your forehead, but it was deleted few seconds later. What was it about? You just denied believing in soulmates and love, but yet, this picture shows a lot of love... Did you find your so called true love? Was it your way to say you are dating another idol again? Or is this time one of your group partners?"

I reminded quiet; that picture was not supposed to be posted.

RM looks at me with fire in his eyes, this was no way close to good for the band, I also know his anger was not because of the new rumor, but also because yesterday we exchanged some words and ended up confessing our true feelings, we felt the same, we love each other... So that, the feeling in his dragon-like eyes was pain, pure pain. I want to die right now.

On the other hand, five pair of eyes were wide open "WHAT?!" is the word their looks were saying.
But one specific sight was worried, we took that picture two nights ago, during our "romantic dinner" in my hotel room after one concert back in London. We said we would upload it as a joke, but he was too drunk to realize it was a joke; now we are all ruined. I'm so fucked up.

I came back to reality after listening to my leader saying "Oh! Adora will explain that then... Adora?"

Holding my mic a bit too hard, I feel no fear anymore but anger, this b*ch just come here to add more problems to my damn life. Time to be savage, I guess.

"Well, about that haha..." I couldn't avoid the nervous laughter but I got my self together again, no one is going to fuck my life, I can do it by myself. "... I was having a friendly dinner with my business partners after the long photoshoot we had, which as long as I know, that's not a crime. We were playing around and ended up with funny pictures, but that wasn't meant to be posted on the internet, just a 'finger mistake'. And looks like I have to remind you my relationship with this seven males is nothing more than a brotherhood were music and work is the main and only topic. So I will ask you, miss and the rest of the audience, to please not formule any other questions about dating rumors, our music is the only reason for the conference... And if you have any other questions similar to that, please... shut it" The very las two words in english, of course, because I can be rude while speaking their language.

The lady bow as an apology, but I know she got what she wanted: make the interview an awkward reunion.
Now all the flashes to our faces since Savage Maknae have made another memorable scene by shutting down a reporter again, this Savage Maknae is going to be kicked out of the group.

Our manager is visible angry from where he is sitting, the divine sign saving my ass when Suga calls out loud: "Interview is over ladys and gentlemen, wait for our album. March 18th, don't forget the date" .

We all bow goodbye and make our way out. Proud and straight written in my face faded away when we were in the waiting room, the seven greek gods looking at me, added to a very angry manager.

"I'm not going to investigate what the hell is going on with your relationship, but please stop this crap and manage it carefully or you all will end up in a lot of troubles" Says our boss before exiting the room.

The rest of the boys look at me again after the extremely short talk. I was looking to my heels, I really can't manage their sights.

"So... Y/N... Can you explain who the hell is in that picture with you and what the damn hell are you two having?"

Silence pause, I'm going to hurt myself and seven more hearts if I open my mouth.

How to tell I am in love with the one of the picture I've been dating for four months, but also the one who confess his feelings yesterday...

Or the one who confessed he wrote the most beautiful song comparing me to the Earth, me as his whole world...

Also the one who kissed me under the rain, mumbling our favorite song, just for my ears...

And the one I've got a matching tattoo with, that single wing on one of our ankles to show up our love...

Or the one who comforted me while I was crying because my life is so fucked up, reminding me he will always love me no matter what...

The one who said that no matter how many times he bumped into different girls, his doe always will only look at me...

How to confess seven people at a time, making sure they know I love them different yet equal?

How to say 'I love you' without being scared?

How to know if I am loved back?

How to deal with the rest of my messed-up idol life?

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Autors note
Soooo that's the introduction, as I said above, this will start with all the road since they met so you can get the reasons behind the love for the seven, and all the drama going around.

Also I will be explaining during the first chapters the relationship with each members and the persona itself of our main character.

The chapters are rather short because the relationship grows fast so don't panic and read patiently, I promise you it is worthy.

I use Y/N bc sometimes people don't like the name given to the character, so you can name the girl after you or as you like the most.

Also, in the (*) I wrote Adora which is the stage name I would like to give to my character, the meaning and stuff will be explained later, buuut if you don't like it, you can change the stage name and the meaning to your liking.

English is not my native language, sooo if you find something wrong, I would love if you help me by communicating it whit the most respectful/kind words, I'm sensitive 😩👎

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𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now