- LXIV -

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"Thanks again for the gift, you didn't have to"
"My idol bestfriend deserves a present for her birthday"

I look again at the box in my hands and smile, I never had friends like this.

"Thank you, Aera-ssi ~"

I hug her thin figure again and then run towards the car that's waiting for me to go to the enterprise after school.

"Agh~ Aera talks too much~"
"That's why I'm friends with her and with you! You talk a lot too... You are similar"

Jungkook hits my arm playfully after I offended his talk-active self, but he still shares one of his headphones to listen to music during the short drive.

Once at the enterprise I run to the dressing room, waiting for my stylist to give ideas for tonight's fancy dinner.

I developed an insane love for fancy restaurants, you don't go there just to have breakfast every morning. You even need to dress nicely to go there and do important things, so my hyu thought of a fancy dinner for my 18th - 19th in Korea- birthday, of course all paid by them.


The stylist received me with hugs, then the ideas for the dress tonight.

It was sent by Hwasa, who got to know about the birthday dinner because of Namjoon and decided to gift me something 'hot' as the note said.

'Your 19s are important, now you are an official hot woman. Wear your favorite color, it makes you look hotter'

"But before the makeup, go see your brothers, they're so desperate to see you. So impatient"

I laugh at her statement and walk to the end of the large hallway, the last room for our practice.

I open the door to find a dark room.
My instinct tells me a camera man is placed in my left, in the dark room.

I walk deeper in the room and someone holding a cake with too much candles appears on sight: Taehyung.

The seven voices sing the Korean birthday song. My heart warmly in my chest after the song.

Someone turns on the lights and I see a other camera man standing besides Bangtan.

This Bangtan bomb's project was indeed a good funny idea.

"Ah~ Thank you my bros. I love you"

I blown the candles and after thanking the good birthday wishes to the camera for the fans, I'm finally all alone with the boys.

"You are wearing suits for tonight, right?"
"I don't think you want Jungkookie in scholar uniform or Hobi in sports trousers"
"Sorry, I'm really excited about this ~"
"Oh~ And we have another gift for you"

I open my eyes widely.

"A- Another birthday present?"

Namjoon, as the representative of the group talks.

"You know 19th birthday is important in Korea because you are a legal citizen and we have this tradition where we gift flowers to the ladies"
"Do you know what else we can give to the lady?" Jimin asks with a weird smirk on his face
"Uhm... No"
"PERFUME! And that only, Jimin..."

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now