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Have you ever felt like you don't belong to your current place? Or anywhere else?

I've always been running away. I belong to neither a place nor a person.

Born to a poor family in a Latin American country was kind of easy. My parents worked from dawn till dusk while I took care of my younger sister in every possible way. It was like that until my father decided to test his luck on the other side of the world.

London was the next stop.

I learnt English after school to improve communication with the world around me while my sister called me for dinner in Spanish.

School wasn't a big problem. I am actually really good at maths. Winning first place in the Mathematics Olympiad is one of the right things that I ever did. But my dream was not focused in that direction.

Dancing. That's what my heart echoed at every beat. Back in my native country, I used to practice martial arts, taekwondo specifically, just to please my father. He was proud of me at that time. In England, I made a deal with my mother that she would pay for my contemporary dance classes as long as I was the top of the class.

Everything was working perfectly until I realized what I wanted. I wanted to perform. I wanted to dance and sing until my body was satisfied. Therefore I quit my contemporary dance classes and used that money to pay different dancing schools and expand my limits. My savings were used to afford singing lessons. I even found an old kind lady named Miss Evans, who agreed on a weekly fee of 3 euro for 7 classes on singing. I often skipped school without my parents' knowledge since they were the kind of parents who look down on artistic careers as successful careers.

One unlucky day, as I was standing in a big auditorium trying to hit that high note, the door opened with a loud bang to reveal my mom, who was fuming with anger. The daunting silence from my mother reflected the looming trouble, a big one this time. I excused myself and walked towards mom. She grabbed me with my ears and half-dragged me to the exit. Outside, I found my father with a disappointing look.

On reaching home, I received a lecture about being a disappointment of the family and a bad role model for my sister. This was not the first time that I was getting this lecture since I was never good enough and also when I supported my sister's passion for sports. I was zoning out until something that my mother said caught my attention. She said that they would not be paying for my education anymore. No high school. No dance classes. No singing lessons. They left my future on my hands and luck. so, now I have to find a way to survive because my only happiness was taken away in a blink. I became really sad to the point of depression. All the part-time jobs were just not enough. Every time I saw my parents or heard their voices, my hatred towards them kept growing.

Finally, after saving enough money for a flight ticket, I ran away to South Korea, where anyone and everyone could become an idol. I will achieve my dreams and then come back to my parents with a smile.

Here I was , sitting alone in the terminal waiting for the announcement of my flight's arrival. My old, cracked phone lit up notifying an incoming call that I ignored. I was aware that by now they would have read the letter. In which, I cursed my parents to go to hell with polite words, and showered my sister with love and that I will come back for her.

Even after all these years, I still remember the last line:

"Although I didn't please you enough, I've realized having a dream isn't a bad thing. I guess it's time to love me and myself only. I don't care even whether you support my dream or not. I am going to be the only reason to become the best idol. One day you'll hear about me, a successful idol, then I'll say, 'I told you.' -Y/N"


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Autor's Note
Officially first chapter, necessary to understand Y/N's persona.

Ik, a bit bored but she's about to arrive to South Korea so expect better things, please vote and recommend with your friends.

June, 2023.

From now on, Poisonous Kind chapters will be regularly edited thanks to the amaizing angel SANS_Ash, so that you can have the best experience while reading. Thanks a lot to the new "Poisonous Kind" Editor, I'm sending you lots of love!

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𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now