- XXI -

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"I could easily throw myself out of the window right now" I whispered for myself to let the frustrations out.

"Don't do it, your spirit would remain here and would persecute us"

I turn around still sitted in the chair and find Seokjin in the door frame.

Why does they appear like this, out of nowhere?

He invites himself inside the studio since it is not mine and sits in one of the chairs of the left wall.

"I need my jacket back, it is windy outside"

So he helped me, wow

"Ah... it was yours? Well, here" I handed him the jacket and look down at my lap, fingers playing with the hem of my shirt.

"Were you expecting someone else's jacket?... Maybe Jungkookie's?"

What the-

"What? NO! I mean- I was wondering who took my backpack and then returned it to me after... the incident... was it you?"
"What? No, I don't now who took your bag, but it wasn't me, I helped you actually"
"Oh, yes"

So uncomfortable since they saw my underwear.

"In the name of the boys and... my own name... sorry. We didn't know it was yours... uhmm... we didn't want to see your- Anyways... sorry, I promise to make sure they don't get their hands in your stuff again. Promise..."

And he extends his hand in front of me, still sitted in the chair on my left side, like if he's trying to make a deal.

"Just please make sure none talk about this" I pleaded while looking at my leg moving up and down in a kind of tic.

We sake hands and when I look into his eyes, he give me a cheeky smile to proof he speaks the truth. I can't return the smile since I'm still feeling exposed to them, so my mouth turns to a weird smirk.

He stands up and waves goodbye.

"I'm sure the one who took your bag will appear soon, we usually confront our mistakes, don't worry"

He winks and exits the studio. Well, that wink was new.

My face is burning but thanks to my skin tone it doesn't looks so evident.

Back to reality after few minutes, I turn on the computer in front of me and insert the old USB where I've been saving my recent work.

This song is sad, yet the producers seem to agree on having something sad for the next project.

My taste in beats is still something unknown for me, it can sound like a balad, like hip-hop, or more like pop-rock, we would never know what's next.

This one I'm working on right now is a slow balad.

Lately I've been feeling empty, but still move around to get things done at work, it's so exhausting.

The climate doesn't help, I used to love rainy days back in Europe, but now I just think of how much I miss that happy rain.

Everything is gray around me, I'm evidently out of place, I'm suffocating... but still the work must be done, I play the song in the speakers beside the computer, in a low tone to relax my mind.

I pass my hands through my messy hair and let out a sigh, this wasn't my day, nor my week or my month.

'The racing cars, the squirming umbrellas all over the place. It's cloudy and the air is clear

The rain stops and the reflection in the puddle

With a light gray background, why am I standing here?...'

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now