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I get inside the practice room quietly, hopefully none of them notice me until we need to dance together.

The first image I get is seven guys reading something on their phone.

I step on my own shoelace and the wooden floor sounds loud making them lift their faces in my direction.

"H-Hey... good morning...(?"
"You won this time, I guess..."

V speaks with his usual annoyed tone.

"I... what?"

Jungkook hands me his phone, there was a document, or more like a statement from our company. It explains closely the fact that Felix and I are 'good childhood friends', that the dating rumors where made to stain the band's name and that of course, any kind of stalking behavior from media are highly reprehensible.

"So they... defended me?"
"Jin requested it" Namjoon proudly informs the special Jin's request.

"Thank you, Seokjin-ssi" I couldn't help but hug Seokjin, he's been behaving nicely with me since day one, even if deep inside, this was also for the great of the band, it is my reputation we're talking about.

"Ya~ Ya~ But you need to promise me you won't have any lovers in a while... or just Jungkookie, make his heart happy"

The last proposal about Jungkookie takes me off guard and my ears start to burn up.

"N-No lovers, oppa"

And Jin lets out that characteristic loud laugh.

It was a long journey since they wanted to hurry our schedules and start promoting a new single, so the media forgets about the disaster I created and make them concentrate in 'Danger', the nice song I've been practicing before the debut. Sooner we'll record the music video, they said.

We are now all sweaty and drinking water like dehydrated dogs.

"Y/N" Yoongi calls my name from the other side of the room where he is sitted.
"Yes, hyung?"
"I expect you to be in the Studio 2 after this"

The reunion we planned! I really hope it is that and not an speech of how he hates me or something.

My body is not sweating any more but my hands are, out of the nervousness Yoongi's aura makes me feel, like in any instant he could kick my ass and not even change his neutral expression.

I knock slowly three times in the door and it opens letting me appreciate an usual pale Yoongi.

"Come in" and he moves his body 90 degrees to let my figure get inside the studio.

"Do you have the poem ready?"
"Yes, here" I handed him my private journal, where all my thoughts, poems and lyrics are saved.

He sits down in front of me, his long fingers caressing the end of the page where my handwriting was.

Having nowhere else to look at, I analyze him from bottom to top.

Black vans and the classic tight jeans all of them wear nowadays.

His white t-shirt falling loose on his torso, letting anything under it to your imagination.

Arms looking thin from afar, but closer like this, the muscles worked out because of the push-ups in our training, are visible now.

My eyes follow from his arms to his hands again, the long fingers keep caressing slowly that black notebook. Some black and silver rings adorn his fingers, making him look three times more intimidating. Then I look to my hands, my nails have grown but there's no color in it, maybe I need some rings like his.

I pay attention back to his figure, his wavy hair tells me to run my fingers through it, looks like his hair, even messy, is soft.

Then my gaze falls to his little button nose, moving discreetly when he breaths out and the lips resting in a pout, the lower lip more prominent than the upper one but still looking nice.

When my eyes go up to finally analyze his eyes, he's already watching me.

"Didn't know I was that interesting"

Ay no...

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, I- I didn't realize I was staring..."

"I'm still amazed of how similar your poem and my lyrics are but we can give it a good use, if you want to"

Thanks for avoiding the topic...

"Of course! I mean, I'm the one supposed to ask you if you want to use your song I understand it is personal topic"
"I can use it, so let's work then"

We record a provisional voice for my poem and work with that as a preliminary song, so later we can add the other boys' voices.
We're listening carefully how to mix the Highs and lows for his rap when the curiosity speaks suddenly.

"May I know... uhm- what was your inspiration for the song?"

He looks at me with a raised brow

"Is that your question?"
"Yes- But- If you don't wanna share it... I'm okay with it"
"Will you tell me the inspiration behind the poem?"

That was a signal, if I share, he shares.

"Yes! If you share, I'll share"
"Well, ladies first"
"But I asked you first"
"And I'm older than you, now tell me the story"
"Tontas jerarquías"
"Nothing, I- I'll start now, then"

He shifts a little in his chair, ready to listen to my story.

"Well... I guess I'm not in my right mind since I lived in London because of... my parents miscarriage and the fact that I miss my sister so much is-" I breathe out, this is hard.

"My mind sometimes fragments too much and I barely feel comfortable, like sometimes my motivation and dreams fade away without reason"

He states at me intensively but I feel secure to spill everything out of my mind.

"Maybe... I would like my family to fully support me... But I'm here kinda living my dream or something simillar so... I'll try to keep going"

"You haven't talked to them?"
"No, they decided to forget about me and concentrate in their own lives, I guess it is okay if that makes them happy, after all, I leave my house to be happy, as well.

Now I look back at him and a tear leaves my eye. Sometimes I just feel really exhausted about this.

A hand resting in my cheek and his thumb dries the lonely tear. I wasn't expecting it.

As fast as my tear is gone, his hand comes back to his head, combing his hair.

"My parents never supported this dream, they would rather have a son with a shitty profession and I wanted to be a producer, it was like an offense to them"

It takes him a second to recall the memories.

"The only one that have my back is my older brother, I'm so thankful for having him. Guess you know how does it feel, you have your little sister"

I nod.

"I've been working hard ever since I entered here as a trainee, two years ago. I haven't stopped but... I guess my body and my mind are tired, it's... hard for the rest of myself to accept it and rest for a moment"

Our stories are really similar yet different.

"I mean, you've been fighting since your life in London, and me since I speak up about my dreams so..."

He extends his hand to me for a hand shake and I take it.

"Fighting... Let's make ourselves proud and shut some mouths"
"Shut some mouths. I like that idea"
"If you shout mouths first, they won't have time to talk back and hurt you"

It was a weird idea but at that moment I only had them, after that day, being savage started to be an option to protect myself.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now