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"You really remember the whole ass choreo, Hobi?"

She stayed in front of the big mirror, in just sports bra and some joggers, while J-Hope, wearing sports clothes as well, recalled the old choreography in his mind.

"It wouldn't be so hard to remember... wait"

'YOUTH' by Troye Sivan sounded in the small speaker Hoseok brought to their improvised dance studio, in one of the empty rooms under the stadium they were performing tonight in Sao Paulo.

Since Adora and J-Hope were the most hyped singers last night, the rest of the boys gave them the title of 'Latin America Kings', and to make honor of the title, Hoseok thought of stealing some minutes to offer a special performance for the fans, with the song they once used for one of their old albums.

She sees Hobi move so fast yet smooth, crossing legs and arms in the air like and airplane, representing the freedom in the song.

By the look of a concentrated Hoseok, Y/N's body immediately came to remember everything, the muscular memory dragging her beside her dance partner and offering the opportunity to repeat once more that dance they once prepared.

"I REMEMBER IT!" She jumped excitedly "But we only had the chorus back then, Hobi"

"Yes... I've just realized bout that..."
The sunshine man walked around the room in thought, letting them order and sink themselves in place for J-Hope to come up with an idea.

"Let's have some free style each one at the verses... Then the choreo we already had... and then we can add something for the end... You like the idea?"
"Mmm 'kay, let's see what my mind has for a free style..."
"Wanna go first?" Hoseok offered
"You first" She smiles shyly

J-Hope accepts and starts the song, a slow melody at first, making him drag arms and feet as slow as the song. The pace starts to fasten and so his movements, Y/N watched it all in awe and wondering why it looks like Hoseok has no bones but some gummy material so he can move knees and ankles so freely.

"GO J-HOPE!" She cheered the boy when the first verse ended and the chorus started, making him smile at her.

"Wanna practice your verse?" Hoseok asks, passing to the second part of the song and letting it play for the girl.

She stands up, unsure of her own dancing knowledge but when the voice sounds through the speakers, her body is dragged to the center of the room.

She lifts her hands and close her fierce eyes, then wakes up to make a backflip, surprising even Hoseok, who likes the bold movements but still gets worried about her well-being.

After the backflip, she falls on her knees dramatically hands tempting where the heart lays and immediately stands up without using hands, just a strong pulling from an invisible string that manages her whole body.

After the 'Oh, oh, oh' She can finally follow the choreography they prepared few years ago. She dances right and left, strong stomps and big jumps, to end in the middle of the room, waiting for Hoseok's hand to engulf hers.

"You never miss a beat, I like it~" He ran towards her, his arm hugging her shoulders because hugging her completely would've been intrusive... or not?

She uses both hands to hug Hoseok's waist, now both admiring the reflection of their bodies hugging lovingly, like a real couple.

"We're giving ARMY a heart attack tonight" She smiles at the mirror.

'You're giving me a heart attack' He thought as his face starts to heat up.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now