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Third person POV

As said, they are all in Malta, having the classic friendship dates in the hot paradise.

She's walking along Yoongi. He said in the hotel, before they left, he searched for the best and closest bar for them to share their love for hard liquors.

The way down the street was nice, talking about the single he wrote for the next album but not wanting to talk about his inspiration for the song in front of camera.

"Oh, I guess it's here" He says stopping in front of a short wooden door.

"It looks like the taverns in cartoons"
She says before entering to the place and choosing two benches close to the bartenders.

In front of camera, they just taste different kinds of wine, whiskey and vodka. He talks about the story of the average making process for the liquors, she analyzes its taste while listening attentively to what the cat-like eyed one has to say and at the end of the short stories, she expresses the analysis for every flavor.

The chemistry between them is not forced, thus, the camera director decides what they talked about was enough for the documentary and turns off the camera, giving more privacy to their date.

"I'm still amazed at how you look like you're just drinking water when we have actually drunken around ten different beverages"

She laughs discreetly at the oldest statement and has another sip of the dry whiskey in front of her.

"It's like if..." He has his own sip from the same liquid she's drinking "there's not a drink that could sink you... And I have to admit I'm feeling a bit tipsy"

She is indeed feeling a bit tipsy as well, but she won't show it that easily to someone as experienced as Yoongi.

"Alcohol has no effect over me" She winks at him and he looks away immediately, Yoongi's face was already pink at the amount of alcohol in his sistem and her being flirty adds extra color to his face.

"You've spent too much time with Jin, don't you?"

She giggles again. Yes, that's the sign of her being tipsy.

"Well, let's talk about serious business... We don't have your solo song, what's wrong, girl?"

She sighs at the sudden change of topic.

"Have no song good enough"
"Don't lie, you're a genius at writing, remember?"

He looks back at her and makes Y/N meet his gaze putting two fingers under her chin.

"Is it that guy distracting you from work? Because as long as we saw... Anna is no longer a problem, you've been taking care of her very well"

She keeps her eyes on his and bites her own lower lip, the question spilling from her mouth without second thoughts.

"Are you mad at me for... dating Eun... woo?"

A sharp light similar to jealousy dances over Suga's eyes but she doesn't realize about it. He lets go of her face and has another sip of his drink.

"I'm not mad at you... We could never be mad at you for looking for love..."

Y/N sighs in relief, she would never sleep comfortable again knowing her band mates hate her.

"Tho... It doesn't stops us from feeling... you know... jealous"
"J- Jealous?"

She asks back in confusion. The liquor is getting him too bold.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now