- LXXV -

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After what it felt like a fucking year on the plane, I landed in London.

The ground under my white dirty Vans felt heavy, maybe because I know I'm walking directly to the devil's claws.

The air wasn't cold, it was actually welcoming warm, but my hands kept on shaking.

There was no bodyguard with me, this land don't know my name nor my work, thus, I feel free to dress like a normal teenage and walk to the next cafe where I asked my sister to wait for me till I arrived.

The little bell hanging above the door rings when I enter the place. I'm greeted by some strangers' faces and at my left, the worried look of a grown Anna.

Last time I saw her, we were the same height, but the short hair and chubby body of hers made her look like a big baby beside me.

Now Anna's quite different.

The only remaining things of the younger Anna were her height, the button nose, and the mole on the left side of her jaw, just like the one I have.

The chubby body is now replaced by a thick legs and flat abdomen, showing Anna really works out. The round face is still there, giving her a sweet aura.

Her curly hair is falling over her back and reaches before the waist.
That makes me immediately run my fingers through my short straight hair, now in a reddish tone.

"You grew up"

I fnally take the four missing steps and hug my short sister.

"I missed you" Anna pronounces in Korean, without an actual accent.

Everyone in the cafe looks at us so we decide to sit down for once.

"The money you send... It paid extra curricular classes"

After waiting for 10 minutes for our coffee, we start the real talk.

"What actually happened? Why did you moved back here?"

Anna breaths out heavily before starting the whole story.

"The enterprise where my dad works almost falls on bankrupt so they sold the one in Mexico and everyone came back to work here"

Now I get why they came back.

"And... about the divorce?"
"He works twenty four-seven and she got angry because she doesn't get enough attention or money"

He and She. We don't like how their names taste in our tongues so we never mentioned it.

"That's all they're fighting for?" That's kinda childish.
"But the one losing here is me. They don't want to see me in their new lifes, none of them wanted to take me with them and they're even selling the old house... She told me that... since you send me money, you should also take care of my personally"

Are they really going to leave their child homeless?
Well, heartless people would do whatever is needed to chase their goals.

"And the money I sent you, was that enough? How have you been living?"

I needed to ask this. I've been sending her money monthly, but money won't raise children so I'm curious about her lifestyle.

"They fed me, but I paid every scholarship and the bills that goes with school, I paid my clothes and also ballet and the foreing language classes"
"That's where the Korean came from"

I smile sweetly at her, she's so mature, maybe even more than me.
But then the smile disappears from my face. She's been all alone this whole time, I'm a terrible sister.

"Adopt me"

She says out of nowhere and I can't really think straight, what is she asking for?

"Get a lawyer and take me with you"
"Please, I only have you"

"I d-don't think that's legally p-posible, Anna, I-"

But she burst into tears.

I've got an upcoming tour, and future albums... My own mixtape... I'm not even in my five senses, half of the korean public hates me.
I'm still trying to find myself, how am I supposed to guide my own sister?

I squeeze her hand lightly.

Am I really taking her with me?

Is it selfish to think about my own dreams before hers?

"I can't adopt you, Anna" She stops looking at the floor and look at me in the eyes. "But I can try to be your legal tutor, I mean, I'll take you with me. I won't leave you here alone"

Anna's eyes lighten with hope. I promised I'll always be there for her.

After finishing our coffee, we walk through the gray streets to the house I also lived once before, just to pick her stuff up in hopes that I don't bump into my parents.

Once there, in front of the door, I get shivers. I never planned to come back.

Anna unlocks the door and I immediately hear a plate crashing on the floor, followed by a feminine voice that rants about something.

I was about to freeze in my place outside the house so I wouldn't enter, but the warm of my sister's hand brings me back to reality, maybe I can't keep on running away.

We both enter to the house and the whispering stops immediately.

"You are home? Food is ready" My mom's voice sounds as cold as I always remembered
"She's leaving your house"

I speak loud and clear so both turn around surprised at the voice they forgot existed.

"Y- You here? Who let you in?"

My dad asks out of blue but then Anna appears from behind my form. "I did"

"I don't want to see your betraying face, go away Y/N!" My mom walks towards me and push my shoulder with two of her fingers.

"I know what you've been through, and I'm honestly not surprised. But she doesn't deserve to live between all your shit. I'm taking her with me"

My mom, as usual, gasps loudly at my words, while my dad, as usual, just glares at my with arms crossed over his chest.

"You know taking care of someone needs money, time and a mature persona, right?" My dad rants at me but I'm not that dumb this time.

"Yes, but none of you had that so I guess I can take care of Anna without it and even better"

"You won't take the child anywhere" Both parents speak at the same time and I laugh a little, they're equals yet so different.

"We'll see... we'll see... Anna go get your stuff from upstairs"

She hesitantly walks to her room, latter coming back with an only big backpack.

"See you in the court" I wave goodbye while leaving the place and calling my manager again, I really pray for a lawyer that can help me.


After long two months I got the official tuition of Anna and we're traveling back to Korea, her now new home.

Home with me

I needed to buy a small apartment for her, but she'll be always following my steps in and out of work, even getting to know the boys, that now treat her like their new little sister.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now