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"We have ready Namjoon's and Jimin's videos, let's start with Jin and Jungkook!"
"Uhm- Sir?"
"Yes, Y/N?"
"I don't dance ballet, so I was wondering what would I do with this black ballet skirt?"

The director looks at me frowning

"They told me you dance"
"I do! But not ballet"
"Ugh- Look for some dance similar to ballet because that's our concept for the girl in the video"

We are full of work, we're recording 'Danger' video and will continue with part of the photoshoot for the album.

I walk away from the director and sit beside Hoseok who's the one sharing set with me.

"Look for some moves in your contemporary repertory, that would work"
"The directors are so stressing"
"Ignore them, you'll do it great... Now put on the whole dress"

This was a song about a girl who didn't value the effort the boys put to get her attention.

I was the girl of the video, I was supposed to answer the text of the boys at the end of the video in an indifferent way, main while I was supposed to 'concentrate in myself' while dancing ballet. The boys are suffering from my rejection while minding their own hobbies. Nice concept.

"Hoseok! Y/N! To the set!"

The mentioned one gave me his hand.

"Let's go pretty ballet lady"
"You are doing something you are perfect at, that's unfair~"
"Stop complaining, I'm hyping you~"

We let go of our hands and place each other in opposite sides of the set.

"Camera A will record J-Hope. Camera B will record Adora"

I nod. I have some moves ready. Please accept them or I'll cry.


Danger starts playing in the speakers around us, that's nothing to do with ballet so I turn around to ask J-Hope for some help, but he's concentrated doing what he does best.

"CUT! Y/N what are you doing? You're supposed to dance ballet when I say 'Action!' Not to admire Hoseok!"
"I wasn't-!" I look at Hoseok, his eyes wide open and ears red as my face.  "I thought you would play a song that fitted ballet!"

"Well, we won't! Dance to Danger! We need to be sure your moves fit the part of the song. LET'S START AGAIN! READY? ACTION!"

I hate here

But anyway, I ended up dancing the best I could to my most dedicated moves in my Contemporary dance repertory.

We made around three takes of the same part, the last one I was able to analyze Hoseok's dance in the mirror in front of me.

My feet move painfully slow so I can appreciate how his knees touch the ground and the next second he's fully standing with just a wiggle of his legs. He's so talented and, to be honest, some of the moves I gave for the video were previously taught by Hoseok during our dance practice, there's no doubt why he is our dance leader.

He makes a 360° spin and then faces me with a heart shaped smile.

"CUT! AH~ Did you see? If you concentrate, you work nicely! This was all! Call V and Suga for the last shoot!"

"You are so talented"

Both, Hoseok and I, say the same compliment at the same time for each other.

"We're connected~" He said giving me a side hug and I return it.

𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒅 / OT7 x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now